板主: KT, Volvo 5204
由 KT » 2012年1月16日 18:15:44 (p#2237719)
由 E233 » 2012年1月16日 18:31:57 (p#2237728)
由 MM@! » 2012年1月16日 22:07:30 (p#2237941)
E233 :West Rail Line have flexible speed limit zone between Kam Sheung Road and Tsuen Wan West with normal top speed at 110 km/h and 'time catching' top speed at 130 km/h. at the same time, urban routes do not have this function since speed limits are already set to limits of the railway (well, not limit, but I mean the speed that MTR allowed). By the way, both west rail and east rail are also set with more neutral time (train at neutral status, not constant speed mod) than urban routes. Therefore, it can shorten time by helding at constant speed while normal urban routes do not give much contribute if trains are held at costant speed. Therefore, west rail do have a higher ability to reach stations on time because its abilities and potentials are not pushed to limits during normal times.
由 E233 » 2012年1月16日 22:24:20 (p#2237959)
由 D201 » 2012年1月16日 22:41:01 (p#2237983)
E233 :Well dude, I type English just because I can't type Chinese. By the way, I haven't mentioned anything about Max Civil Speed, Permanent Speed Restrictions or Line Speed. Perhaps you don't really know how to read English maybe, or just because you have poor language skills. Emm... Give me evidence then mate, don't just keep on saying nonsense there without evidence. This is common sense and every knows that there is variable speed limit between Kam Sheung Road and Tsuen wan West. By the way, I am using English to communicate only, not to provide you with whatever elegancy. I know I don't write good English but still, I am better than someone writing 昔 instead of 惜, a guy who don't even know his culture.
由 D201 » 2012年1月16日 22:46:00 (p#2237993)
miklcct :我搭過幾次西鐵線,無論中途天水圍站停多久,彈了多少次門,列車都能在18分55秒至19分鐘間由兆康站到荃灣西站。其中三次錦上路站到荃灣西站的時間為6分8秒、5分59秒及6分23秒。這證明了西鐵線是有追時間的能力。為什麼市區線(如觀塘線)沒有此能力,以致繁時後經常全線車序增加(即是有一些班次消失了)?是否信號系統不能做到,還是時間表中沒有預留追時間的情況?
由 E233 » 2012年1月16日 22:46:53 (p#2238000)
由 D201 » 2012年1月16日 23:11:00 (p#2238044)
E233 :I wasn't trying to use terms, I was just trying to use simple english to explain some of my observations. By the way, I thought what you call set maximum speed in west rail didn't occur particularly in rush hours but in reaching train schedules isn't it?
由 E233 » 2012年1月17日 11:21:08 (p#2238235)
由 MM@! » 2012年1月17日 22:10:55 (p#2238658)
E233 :Well dude, I type English just because I can't type Chinese. By the way, I haven't mentioned anything about Max Civil Speed, Permanent Speed Restrictions or Line Speed. Perhaps you don't really know how to read English maybe, or just because you have poor language skills. Emm... Give me evidence then mate, don't just keep on saying nonsense there without evidence. This is common sense and every knows that there is variable speed limit between Kam Sheung Road and Tsuen wan West. By the way, I am using English to communicate only, not to provide you with whatever elegancy. I know I don't write good English but still, I am better than someone writing 昔 instead of 惜, a guy who don't even know his culture.
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由 MM@! » 2012年1月17日 22:48:59 (p#2238711)
GZG50 :樓上縱然有幾深厚的鐵路知識都好,都唔好打粗口呀大佬
由 <系統戶口> » 2012年1月17日 22:49:44 (p#2238714)
由 D201 » 2012年1月18日 07:54:10 (p#2238927)
E233 :Oh, you misunderstand. I mean between Kam Sheung Road and Tsuen Wan West, the maximum speed of a particular region or area will range from 110 km/h to 130 km/h depends on various factors such as schedule delay. Still remeber when West rail was first operated? Due to numerous factors of the rail and the train, the train vibrate vigoriously within the tunnel, and KCR made the decision to decrease its maximum speed in the tunnel from 130 to 110 km/h to minimize the vibration of the train. However, under certain circumstances as mentioned above, the train can reach a speed over 110 km/h. (Well, it is common sense to know why trains have to set maximum speed. You probably misunderstood what I was trying to say.)
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