MM@! :E233 :Well dude, I type English just because I can't type Chinese. By the way, I haven't mentioned anything about Max Civil Speed, Permanent Speed Restrictions or Line Speed. Perhaps you don't really know how to read English maybe, or just because you have poor language skills. Emm... Give me evidence then mate, don't just keep on saying nonsense there without evidence. This is common sense and every knows that there is variable speed limit between Kam Sheung Road and Tsuen wan West. By the way, I am using English to communicate only, not to provide you with whatever elegancy. I know I don't write good English but still, I am better than someone writing 昔 instead of 惜, a guy who don't even know his culture.
Culture should belongs to a person, mein Führer?
You recalled me who you are. The reason that I said "MAX Civil Speed/Permanent Speed Restrictions/Line Speed/Target Speed/Coasting 不分" just because I saw an academism writing and the author himself doesn't even know those speeds above-mentioned but "top speed". Top speed means nothing in railway especially in signaling aspect and aspects. A piece of bull those are.
唔好轉頭又話我知你唔識睇 "signaling aspect and aspects" 係點解WOO,你要寸嘴麻
Guess what! I am so afraid because you are my sunbae! Well, know nothing about railway is still better than someone who can't express themselves decently or a guy who don't even know how to write (or maybe speak) english. Alright, I am a new boy and you are an 'old' boy, fine, but a guy who can't control his temper and start swearing over there is telling everyone that he is the brother... Emm... not to convincing to me. And mate, don't ever mention again about your poor english. A guy who talks about decency swears and use poor english. 'A piece of nonsense those are!' Dude, is this direct translation from Japanese or what? Poor thing, uneducated (or poorly educated) both in his characters and knownledge... No wonder many adults in Hong Kong criticize the after 80s. You are the same with those chinese who wee on the streets. What's the same? Yeah, your politeness and your disability in restraining yourself! Well, let me tell you what decency is! It's just simply knowing what you are talking about! Well, you can say sorry to me, I am gonna accept it.
【警告】W2163【警告】#18487 E233
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