板主: KT, Volvo 5204
KN9301.HJ7748 :想問下強國車宜家係咪夜晚非繁先有
93A_S3~* :MM@! :#Ctrain 其實早在shadown run 前已經到過市區四綫
如果唔係 @mtrupdate 嘅Fleet Data點會無左兩隻色
(*岩岩溫故知新左,唔記得左垃圾灣綫會撼親頭,海島綫會開唔到暗乘口添 )
姐係小弟好可能要日日搭佢返學 唯有自求多福咯
The SACEM computer will prevent train movement in AUTO and CM modes when a train cannot complete a movement 75 metres beyond a fixed signal or logical signal within 30 seconds
tonyckw05 :想問下C-train個VVVF系統同K-train其實有無分別?
tonyckw05 :想問下C-train個VVVF系統同K-train其實有無分別?
KuMan 48x :BTW 多口一問
既然龜鐵宜家係咪都要被迫再入多一批C-Train for南海島線
( 雖然份約就簽左 但如果批車集中慢慢執總好過將個問題蔓延到多條線吖 )
KuMan 48x :BTW 多口一問
既然龜鐵宜家係咪都要被迫再入多一批C-Train for南海島線
( 雖然份約就簽左 但如果批車集中慢慢執總好過將個問題蔓延到多條線吖 )
2.1.7 "Round Trip" means the satisfactorily operation of the trains to provide
passenger service according to the normal train service headway on the
following round journeys:
(a) stations between North Point to Po Lam for the TKL
(b) stations between Yau Ma Tei to Tiu Keng Leng for the KTL
(c) stations between Central to Tsuen Wan for the TWL
(d) stations between Sheung Wan to Chai Wan for the ISL.
"Round Trip" means the satisfactorily operation of the trains toprovide passenger service according to the normal train service headway on the following round journeys:
(a) stations on Eastern Section between Admiralty (ADM) and South Horizons (SOH) for the SIL with mintermediate stations at Ocean Park (OCP), Wong Chuk Hang (WCH) mand Lei Tung (LET).
(b) stations on West Section between University (UNI) to Wong Chuk Hang (WCH) with intermediate stations at Queen Mary Hospital (QMH), Cyber Port (CYP), Wah Fu (WAF), Tin Wan (TIW), Aberdeen (ABN).
This sectionis for planning only and will be built at a later date to be announced by
93A_S3~* :有指C-train今朝已經響KTL首次日間載客服務,
93A_S3~* :有指C-train今朝已經響KTL首次日間載客服務,
derekman6c19 :搭緊B359
18/12 10:42 TKL > YMT
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