29. It is given that g(x)=2x-1.
(a) If h(x)=g(2x-1), find the algebraic representation of h(x).
(b) If g(p-2)=h(p), find the value of p
31. The graph of y=(k-1)x+2k, where k>1. It cuts x-axis & y-axis at A&B respectively. If area of AOB = 9 sq. units, find all possible values of k
A O --> x
AB= Graph of y=(k-1)x+2k
OA= Length of A
OB= Leugth of B
37. Let f(x)=-x^2+10x+5. p and q are 2 unequal real numbers such that f(p) = f(q). Find value of (p+q)/2
38. 題略
(a) Express y in terms of x.
(b) Express A as a function of x State the domain of functions
A=-x^2+12x+3 **未做後半部分..
40. ABC is an isosceles triangle, where AB=8 cm and AC=BC=5cm. A rectangle PQRS is inscribed in ABC and SC=RC. Suppose SF= x cm
(a) Show that the area of PQRS is {3x-[(3/8)x^2]}cm^2
(b) Find the area of largest rectangle that can be inscribed in ABC
*藍字為本人計算之answer(正確) :D
thx a lot... [呢課搞到我頭都大埋...根本唔明佢up乜... 明左前面唔明後面 , 到明左後面果半課就變左唔記得前面果d講乜... 到quiz / revision就 mix哂d野一齊>3<]