and then,用v鏡睇明明無撞倒人,但other one又話我撞人
板主: 每天都要影車
由 je3324 » 2010年12月16日 21:40:13 (p#2023074)
由 [MinG] » 2010年12月17日 12:19:22 (p#2023321)
由 對一個人愛錯 » 2010年12月17日 15:24:46 (p#2023367)
由 5512 . NG4744 » 2010年12月17日 21:28:09 (p#2023577)
由 對一個人愛錯 » 2010年12月17日 22:08:52 (p#2023612)
KN9050~ :Although it is a network problem perhaps, you may stay with your friends from a suitable distance in order to prevent and reduces these misunderstandings.
In my opinion, I think that your distance staying with your friends are not far enough. Try to stay further. =]
This can prevent these things happening through there is a network problem~*
由 Jonathan1016 » 2010年12月18日 17:54:24 (p#2023967)
KN9050~ :Although it is a network problem perhaps, you may stay with your friends from a suitable distance in order to prevent and reduces these misunderstandings.
In my opinion, I think that your distance staying with your friends are not far enough. Try to stay further. =]
This can prevent these things happening through there is a network problem~*
由 Fu8336. » 2010年12月22日 23:45:00 (p#2026387)
由 kmb_68x » 2010年12月24日 14:41:57 (p#2027283)
Jonathan1016 :KN9050~ :Although it is a network problem perhaps, you may stay with your friends from a suitable distance in order to prevent and reduces these misunderstandings.
In my opinion, I think that your distance staying with your friends are not far enough. Try to stay further. =]
This can prevent these things happening through there is a network problem~*
No "I think" after "In my opinion"= =""
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