1. What will happen to the lining of the uterus when a woman becomes pregnant? 2. What is the difference between HIV-infected people and people with AIDS? HIV-infected people have (a)_____________ in their blood but they do not have the (b)______________ of AIDS. 代人講 唔該 先
HT2693 :1. What will happen to the lining of the uterus when a woman becomes pregnant? 2. What is the difference between HIV-infected people and people with AIDS? HIV-infected people have (a)_____________ in their blood but they do not have the (b)______________ of AIDS. 代人講 唔該 先
1. 照計 textbook 應該有講,唔使自己諗,搵一搵書應該有 2. a) 諗一諗 HIV 係一種乜野 b) 諗一諗 AIDS 係一種乜野 => 當一個人有 AIDS 既時候,會有 d 乜野發生