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Simutrans 110.0現已推出


板主: GX7271

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Simutrans 110.0現已推出

文章arthurMM » 2011年2月21日 18:53:17 (p#2061040)


CHANGE: default savegame now bzip2 (games 33% smaller)
ADD: Odometer and distance per month available for convois/lines
ADD: (gerw) built tunnel without ways
FIX: no longer possible for negative prices (cheat bus)
ADD: (Dwachs) starting money per year
ADD: lines will be listed numerically correct, if the contain a number
ADD: bridge building with click-and-drag
ADD: traffic light can set their phases now manually (in seconds) (new help text: trafficlight_info.txt, new string: -\nSet phases:-)
ADD: some more network related settings like server_frames_ahead, network_ms_ahead, server_frames_per_step to control timing on the network
ADD: translations are also search in user dir/scenario/text
ADD: (gerw) auto-electrify depot added
FIX: freelist sometimes returned wrong elements to free
ADD (VS): makeobj ignored alpha channel now really
CHANGE: (Knightly): Not scaling images displayed by gui_image_t anymore
FIX: deleting tram signals again
ADD: click-and-drag also for network games (except for building elevated ways, bridges, tunnels)
ADD: tools should work on all clients regardless of underground mode
ADD: tools work now correct with ctrl keys in networkmode
FIX: a double block (presignal) robbed the following signal of its (pres/longblock/choosing) function
CHANGE: no rezooming in viewport
FIX: text overflow in message boxes
FIX: window resizing is triggered even if initial click is not in dragger area
FIX: square button's clickable area not set according to accompanying text
FIX: help text link's clickable area not correctly set
FIX: pak file image data not trimmed according to x-offset and contains superfluous data
ADD: factories now support multiple fields
FIX: factory builder does not consider minimum fields in randomising production
FIX: tooltip box hovering above viewport
ADD: (mostly Dwachs) nicer crossing infos
ADD: bridges/tunnel show their names in info window
ADD: (inspired by gerw) choose singals will not choose if on the route is another choose signal or and end_of_choose
FIX: text overflow in ground info
CHANGE: ground info and thing info title bar color will change according to ownership
ADD: allow_buying_obsolete_vehicles in simuconf.tab can disallow buying obsolete vehicles for better balancing
FIX: forest density/size nor again reasonable dependent on map size
ADD: factory stops can now get different names from building stops (%s factory %s %s must be new tranlated)
FIX: build foundations only directly under elevated monorail depots
FIX: ist_natur() return als false on halt tiles (like harbour)
ADD: (gerw) broad tunnel patch (see pak64 sources: adding images [Nl] [Nm] [Nr] and so on)
FIX: no longer no trees after 150 years
ADD: no decimal point for very large amounts
CHANGE: better displaying algorithm, should give much less clipping errors/graphics glitches with lang vehicles/bridges/stations etc.
ADD: configurable thousand exponent (like 10^4 for japanese) by SEP_THOUSAND_EXPONENT
FIX: Makeobj could not extract bridges (and possibly even more objects) under XP
ADD: zooming in also for pak192
ADD: preparation for images larger than 64k resp 255*255
FIX: maintenance for ticks_per_month smaller 18
ADD: timeline for cityroads using 'city_road[0]=name[,intro][,retire]' in simuconf.tab
ADD: winter image for PowerSource/ PowerDest: Image[2] and [3] as snowy versions of
◦and [1]
ADD: winter image for sidewalk: Image[1],[4],[7],[10],[13] as snowy versions, Image [5][8][11][14] transition images
ADD: minimum and maximum numbers of next towns to connect to a factory can be set too in simuconf.tab with factory_worker_minimum_towns/factory_worker_maximum_towns
ADD: timeline for intercityroads using 'intercity_road[number]=name[,intro][,retire]' in simuconf.tab
ADD: winter image and timeline for crossings: winter images of [image][0] are [image][1]
ADD: powerline stabilisation pak which enforces a single transformer next to factories/power stations
ADD: enable to use more than one powerline object
ADD: texture for tunnel grounds (Obj=misc, Name=TunnelTexture, Image with numbers 0,3,6,9)
ADD: simuconf.tab: add default values for cityroad ("city_road") and intercity road ("asphalt_road")
CHANGE: TAB goes to next/Shift+TAB to previous edit box, moving and resizing now even when other windows open
ADD: skinnable scrollbars
ADD: setting dialoge tool (handle with care, should not be visible by defualt for pak sets!)
ADD: resizer also part of skin
CHANGE: also starts without any skin
FIX: no signals to be built on switches, since they will not display correctly
FIX: waiting time cycles also on left button
ADD: (z9999+) limit size of toolsbars in simuconf.tab
FIX: (z9999+) loading old games before 88.00
CHANGE: forest settings moved to simuconf.tab
ADD: delay and duration of tooltip configurable in simuconf.tab
ADD: timeline for headquarters (pak-sets may need to be updated as the default intro date is 1900, default retire date is 2999)
ADD: blinking cursor, selectable text and clipboard functions for text input fields
ADD: industry increase and minimum city distance now also saved in savegame
FIX: error in routing will clear itself after loading
FIX: not restore fields if there is already a building on this tile
CHANGE: minimap will center after zooming
ADD: parameters of cityrules.tab saved in savegame (networkmode)
ADD: active window title bar is highlighted (for options see simuconf.tab)
CHG: canals cannot be built on canals of other players
FIX: removed obsolete forest config parameters
FIX: traffic light setting also network safe
ADD: if present show copyright line from ground.outside.pak (which should contain pak set and revision)
ADD: new general_tool[36] to build cityroad according to timeline
FIX: (z9999) building a harbour must check also for existing stops above/below
FIX: (z9999) trains were braking on field too late after changing of route count
FIX: (z9999) stopping before occipied crossings with a signal and many other signal fixes
ADD: for text input, double-click to select a word and triple-click to select the whole text
ADD: register lineless convoys at the halts and list them with links in the halt details dialog
FIX: do not crash with prodbase 0 and ensure some basic production
FIX: convois did not properly looked up next signal for signals on closed crossings
ADD: right-click on icon of selected toolbar closes the toolbar
ADD: server uses a different savegame revision => testing already possible now
ADD: savegame version can be set in settings
ADD: simple chat system added (send message option in message window)
ADD: semiautomatical announce of servers possible
CHANGE: chat option now part of message centre
ADD: messages on joining and leaving
CHANGE: renaming of stuff now in network games
ADD: clients and server compare paksets before joining
CHANGE: for two-click-tools: ctrl+click sets start marker, useful for point-to-point bridge building with two clicks in network games
ADD: (gerw/Dwachs) build signals like ways; ctrl+click on icon opens dialogue to change parameters (help file: signal_spacing.h), in network games: ctrl+click and then drag
ADD: station extensions can be built near public halts
CHANGE: when joining with public station, the public station keeps its name
CHANGE: Introduced symbols and tooltips for a much more compact status line
ADD: dialogue can be changed (currently only minimap)
ADD: possibility to compare pakset of client and server
CHANGE: one year after bankrupt, clear slot for new player
CHANGE: first load convoi waiting the longest time at a stop
FIX: after bankruptsy, ways on public stops will remain unowned, so new people can connect to them
FIX: transfer statistics too, when joining stops
CHANGE: In order to lock a game the public player must be password protected. Unlocking the public player allows player change again.
CHANGE: (Knightly) message system has now tabs for faster overview of categories
CHANGE: cities try some terraforming to be able to build roads
ADD: messages are saved in save games
CHANGE: passwords are only checked/changed if <enter> is pressed in the password input box
ADD: more messages for headquarters and making stops public
CHANGE: application folder for simutrans now under /Library/Simutrans (default MAC standard)
ADD: (TurfIt) rightclick closes all toolbars, all dialogues and deselects all tools
ADD: (TurfIt/Dwachs) Windows snap onto each other when they are close (controlled by window_snap_distance)
ADD: server can do monthly announcements
ADD: announcements can be configured on command line
ADD: also schedules and line windows are kept during joining
ADD: vehicles can immeadtily loose part of their value when starting running (used_vehicle_reduction) to make expensive vehicle unattractive when starting a game

Welcome to discuss :D

本文章評分: +1
Dennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnis2011年2月21日 19:15:05+1
arthurMM (u#15328)
在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資
文章: 464
註冊時間: 2008年12月7日 21:59:16
錢包: 7.65 明彩 
來自: 馬鞍山
攝影器材: Olympus EP-3

Re: Simutrans 110.0現已推出

文章u#14413 » 2011年2月21日 21:30:34 (p#2061229)

有冇中文翻譯........ [sosad]
u#14413 (u#14413)
在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資
文章: 1,939
註冊時間: 2008年8月25日 19:15:15
錢包: 6.76 明彩 

Re: Simutrans 110.0現已推出

文章GX7271 » 2011年2月21日 21:42:25 (p#2061246)

110.0 已經可以玩 online version
同 MM2 玩既方法相似
GX7271 (u#2991)
在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資
文章: 21,761
註冊時間: 2004年3月1日 10:12:37
錢包: 3.11 明彩 
攝影器材: Nikon D60

Re: Simutrans 110.0現已推出

文章<MAX » 2011年2月21日 23:38:33 (p#2061373)

GX7271 :110.0 已經可以玩 online version
同 MM2 玩既方法相似


香港 Server 一個都冇。 #ng#
<MAX (u#12570)
在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資
文章: 3,615
註冊時間: 2007年12月21日 20:19:54
錢包: 65.19 明彩 

Re: Simutrans 110.0現已推出

文章6215 » 2011年2月22日 01:54:14 (p#2061430)

龍 :
GX7271 :110.0 已經可以玩 online version
同 MM2 玩既方法相似


香港 Server 一個都冇。 #ng#

我自己試左幾日都未玩到ONLINE [banghead]
大學生 ...
6215 (u#5164)
在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資
文章: 911
註冊時間: 2004年11月12日 22:21:33
錢包: 61.82 明彩 

Re: Simutrans 110.0現已推出

文章1506 » 2011年2月22日 17:21:01 (p#2061571)

110.0 係咪仲未出MAC版?
1506 (u#16181)
在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資
文章: 123
註冊時間: 2009年1月31日 12:45:32
錢包: 83.15 明彩 

Re: Simutrans 110.0現已推出

文章中東呼吸中級呼綜合症 » 2011年2月22日 18:45:27 (p#2061616)

1506 :110.0 係咪仲未出MAC版?

Go for nightly version.

Re 龍:
Trial on our server took place in 102.3 era without success
中東呼吸中級呼綜合症 (u#3449)
在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資
文章: 20,078
註冊時間: 2004年4月18日 16:20:45
錢包: 19.50 明彩 

Re: Simutrans 110.0現已推出

文章<MAX » 2011年2月22日 19:55:30 (p#2061787)

中環(香港鐵路站)總站. :
1506 :110.0 係咪仲未出MAC版?

Go for nightly version.

Re 龍:
Trial on our server took place in 102.3 era without success


我星期五已經玩到 Online。 #hehe#
<MAX (u#12570)
在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資
文章: 3,615
註冊時間: 2007年12月21日 20:19:54
錢包: 65.19 明彩 

Re: Simutrans 110.0現已推出

文章中東呼吸中級呼綜合症 » 2011年2月22日 20:07:12 (p#2061799)

龍 :
中環(香港鐵路站)總站. :
1506 :110.0 係咪仲未出MAC版?

Go for nightly version.

Re 龍:
Trial on our server took place in 102.3 era without success


我星期五已經玩到 Online。 #hehe#

In the previous test, the simutrans kernel wasn't successfully run on our Linux platform. But it might be worthwhile to conduct further tests by the 110 version and perhaps develop a multi-game server through different ports.

But of course, this is subject to server load considerations
中東呼吸中級呼綜合症 (u#3449)
在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資在論壇有 20 年年資
文章: 20,078
註冊時間: 2004年4月18日 16:20:45
錢包: 19.50 明彩 

Re: Simutrans 110.0現已推出

文章<MAX » 2011年2月22日 20:18:35 (p#2061806)

1.找出自己使用的 Pak,即非原裝 Pak;
2.重新下載官方版本 Pak 128;
4.除原裝「vehicle」檔案外,把步驟1的檔案複製到新 Pak128,並重新命名為 Pak128_Online;
<MAX (u#12570)
在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資在論壇有 17 年年資
文章: 3,615
註冊時間: 2007年12月21日 20:19:54
錢包: 65.19 明彩 

Re: Simutrans 110.0現已推出

文章swaqq0d_Mark_daGr3at » 2011年3月9日 18:36:14 (p#2070079)

請問一下怎樣有中文版 ?
Download 後的110.0 不能較去語言 T.Chinese ? :?: :?:
另問一下玩online 是否開一個save 後 , 其他玩家打IP即可進入 ?
swaqq0d_Mark_daGr3at (u#15981)
在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資在論壇有 16 年年資
文章: 324
註冊時間: 2009年1月22日 12:28:31
錢包: 3.24 明彩 

Re: Simutrans 110.0現已推出

文章K . C » 2011年3月9日 19:02:35 (p#2070109)



本文章評分: +2
MB452.PR60202011年3月9日 21:03:12+1Thanks for your help =D
swaqq0d_Mark_daGr3at2011年3月16日 21:44:49+1
[sosad] [banghead]
K . C (u#9459)
在論壇有 18 年年資在論壇有 18 年年資在論壇有 18 年年資在論壇有 18 年年資在論壇有 18 年年資在論壇有 18 年年資在論壇有 18 年年資在論壇有 18 年年資在論壇有 18 年年資
文章: 115
註冊時間: 2006年4月25日 22:08:18
錢包: 4.31 明彩 

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