1. 請問會員所指的「抄」是什麼意思?
答 : 抄 , 意指 抄襲 / 抄寫
即英文字 Copy , Meaning : To produce something so that it is the same as an original piece of work, or to behave, dress, speak, etc. in a way that is intended to be like someone else, for example, because you admire them
Example Sentence : Andylee131 Copy the information and post it to hkbf .
2. 請問會員何以見得發文者「只懂得『抄』資料」?
答 : 有關會員於 221 區所發表的文章超過九成均 " 轉載 " 自 http://kmb.hk2007.net/ , 故此本人認為有關會員只懂得 " 抄 " .
3. 能否證明之?
答 : 請善用貴版之搜尋功能 .