Here is the newest version of Kalati Project.
It contain a faster traffic system relative with the last version.
And some big changes of the important traffic hub.
Here is some screenshots for you.
If you have interest,you may download the save data at the last of this post.
Map of the whole Country 國家地圖
Capital Panoramic 首都全景
*With Yin-Sin,Sing-Pin,Sing-K,Sing-Sap *連然仙,星偏,星其,星什
Traffic Hub in Southern Tun-Sin(Ground) 對仙南樞紐(地面)
*With Airport,Long-distance Station,Ferry Pier and 2 National Highway,a number of simple Highway via here.
*3 stations are included in this traffic hub. *三個站是包含在這交通樞紐內。
South-Eastern Tun-Sin - Fay-Ging Internation Airport(Underground) 對仙東南飛京國際機場(地底)
*The airport is included in the traffic hub. *這機場已包含在交通樞紐中。
Traffic Hub in Western Jin-Pin(Ground) 晶屏西樞紐(地面)
Traffic Hub in Western Jin-Pin(Underground) 晶屏西樞紐(地底)
*With Airport,Highrail,Ferry Pier,Long-distance Station,Freight Station and
1 National Highway,1 simple Highway via here.
*2 stations are included in this traffic hub. *2個站是包含在這交通樞紐內。
Full map of Western Jin-Pin - Leung-Chau Highrail Conflence 晶屏西涼西高鐵總匯全景圖
*The conflence is included in the traffic hub. *這總匯已包含在交通樞紐中。
Traffic hub in Gong-Yin 國英樞紐
*With Highrail,Ferry Pier,Long-distance Station,Bus Route to Downtown and
2 National Highway,1 simple Highway via here.
*2 stations are included in this traffic hub. *2個站是包含在這交通樞紐內。
Full map of South-Western Gong-Yin Suburb Highrail Station(Northern Confluence) 國英西南市郊鐵路站(北部總匯)全景圖
*The conflence is included in the traffic hub. *這總匯已包含在交通樞紐中。
Northern Sing-Wing - Pei-Sing Airport 升榮北畢升機場
*With 1 National Highway,3 simple Highway via here. *連1條國道,3條高速公路途經這裡。
Southern Tin-Kwan - Nam-Chau Airport 天葵南藍周機場
*With 5 simple Highway via here. *連5條高速公路途經這裡。
Northern Tin-Sing - Chau-Tin Airport(Ground) 天升北周天機場(地面)
Northern Tin-Sing - Chau-Tin Airport(Underground) 天升北周天機場(地底)
*With Highrail and 1 simple Highway via here. *連高鐵及1條高速公路途經這裡。
Southern Sai-Wing - Sai-Tin Airport(Ground) 世榮南世天機場(地面)
Southern Sai-Wing - Sai-Tin Airport(Underground) 世榮南世天機場(地底)
*With Long-distance Station. *連長途客運站。
Southern Ying-Sin - Ping-Fai International Airport(Ground) 凝仙南冰飛國際機場(地面)
Capital Affiliated Airport(Ground) 首都附屬機場(地面)
Southern Ying-Sin - Ping-Fai International Airport(Underground) 凝仙南冰飛國際機場(地底)
Capital Affiliated Airport(Underground) 首都附屬機場(地底)
*With Bus Route to Capital and 1 simple Highway via here. *連巴士線往首都及1條高速公路途經這裡。
State-run Railway - Highrail Repairing Zone 國家鐵路高鐵維修區
New South-Eastern Hoi-Fri Suburb Highrail Station 開快東南市郊新高鐵站
Interchange of two new National Highway-National Highway H1/V1 新建成國道-H1/V1號國道交匯處
That's end of the screenshots,do you learn more about my save?
Okay,if you have interest,please download here.
Please get all the pak by pm me due to copyright issues.