由 白蘭氏冰糖雞精 » 2012年7月14日 23:46:51 (p#2353063)
you can use brush and line tool in the ms paint!
do you understand?
ok you dont understand
then now i tell you how to learn
first, you go to Max C.'s site,
second, you go to the tutorial,
third, download the file in "2009-05-17 - DIY系列 - Enviro 500",
next, open it,
ok, now you open it, unzip the things in the zip
after you finish these procedure i will tell you more, or you learn yourself!
分開雖然難受 但關係難以勉強 望閣下能早日放下執著 重新踏上正途 去叫麥樂雞