板主: KT
由 LE8869 » 2013年10月8日 18:57:20 (p#2572699)
由 Jetfoil » 2013年10月8日 20:25:11 (p#2572795)
由 我來自濟州 » 2013年10月9日 02:10:25 (p#2573034)
由 AVD1 » 2013年10月9日 08:34:35 (p#2573048)
§※寂寞之子※§ :睇黎國泰真係想增加現有航點既服務先,
不過國泰現有美加航線既航班係亞洲大城市黎講算最多, 我諗得東京有得撼...
由 我來自濟州 » 2013年10月10日 01:57:43 (p#2573465)
AVD1 :§※寂寞之子※§ :睇黎國泰真係想增加現有航點既服務先,
不過國泰現有美加航線既航班係亞洲大城市黎講算最多, 我諗得東京有得撼...
美國南部城市可能 B777-300ER 航程未必夠,
要等到 A350-1000 交貨之後先可以諗 ~
至於二線城市方面, 我個人認為一樣都要等到 A350-900 交貨之後先有得考慮開,
始終 B777-300ER 對二城城市黎講又真係稍為大架左小小 ~
國泰由此至終就係想透過頻密 o既班次去令到轉機客黎香港轉機,
實情而家國泰北美航線真係有唔小轉機客 ~
由 AVD1 » 2013年10月10日 11:39:40 (p#2573502)
§※寂寞之子※§ :
加上東南亞,大中華地區開始發展既時候, 成都<>三藩市呢類直航可能愈開愈多~
或者更長距離既航班可以令到佢做到直航 (eg.787)
但係 成都<>三藩市, 成田<>丹佛呢D航線相繼出現既時候, 轉機客有機會會流失...
由 我來自濟州 » 2013年10月11日 02:58:20 (p#2573862)
AVD1 :§※寂寞之子※§ :
加上東南亞,大中華地區開始發展既時候, 成都<>三藩市呢類直航可能愈開愈多~
或者更長距離既航班可以令到佢做到直航 (eg.787)
但係 成都<>三藩市, 成田<>丹佛呢D航線相繼出現既時候, 轉機客有機會會流失...
起呢 D Ultra-long haul 上面, B787 都未必做到咁長程 ~
Ultra-long haul non-stop 都未必真係做得住,
當中新加坡航空 SQ21/22 (SIN - EWR) 同埋 SQ37/38 (SIN - LAX) 已經可以見到,
呢兩 pair 線就快要摺 ~
由 AVD1 » 2013年10月11日 06:41:34 (p#2573874)
§※寂寞之子※§ :呢2條線好似係因為距離太長, 本身成本高A345耗油量大加上要減少座位增加飛行距離?
新加坡同美國距離實在太遠, 只係而家都冇乜適合既機做直航又做到經濟效益
由 [MinG] » 2013年10月23日 07:38:45 (p#2578055)
由 AVD1 » 2013年10月23日 09:04:36 (p#2578064)
[MinG] :I'm a resident in the Greater Boston area
From what I know is that international students tend to choose CX rather than american airlines (not only AA, but united, etc)
and those students are the ones that go back to HK very frequently (3-4times/year)
Moreover, there is a fast growing number of south China immigrants (mostly from 台山/廣東) coming to Boston area, and a lot of them choose CX also.
I recently flew CX831 from boston and the passengers onboard were mostly from the Mainland China rather than HK.
So in conclusion, I think there is a demand for more direct flights from the North East area.
由 [MinG] » 2013年10月24日 07:35:41 (p#2578362)
AVD1 :[MinG] :I'm a resident in the Greater Boston area
From what I know is that international students tend to choose CX rather than american airlines (not only AA, but united, etc)
and those students are the ones that go back to HK very frequently (3-4times/year)
Moreover, there is a fast growing number of south China immigrants (mostly from 台山/廣東) coming to Boston area, and a lot of them choose CX also.
I recently flew CX831 from boston and the passengers onboard were mostly from the Mainland China rather than HK.
So in conclusion, I think there is a demand for more direct flights from the North East area.
其實一年返三四次的話, 佢地有機會係買左國泰個 set 留學生套票,
呢 set package 詳情你可以問下國泰 Customer Service 或者去佢地個網到 ~
以北美東北部飛香港黎講除 CX 之外就得 UA 有直航,
但係 CX 個時間上就 flexible 好多,
仲有 CX 本身自己個 Asia Miles 真係做得唔錯,
同埋通常一年返去三四次, 我諗都應該最小拎住 Macro-Polo Green Card 了 ~
由 AVD1 » 2013年10月24日 13:48:58 (p#2578380)
[MinG] :
yea, those people are members of Macro-Polo club and they get to fly business class very often
I hope CX opens a route to BOS I really don't see the reason of picking EWR over BOS
Since we have a lot more international students here and EWR is not that far from JFK (even though it takes forever to get to JFK from NJ)
But as the mayor of Boston said, there is a demand for direct flights from/to Asia, especially there are many luxury apartments under construction in Chinatown/Downtown BOS area
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