VolvoB12BLE on 2014年9月29日 02:16:12:I've got my Hong Kong citizenship as well buddy. =.= Although I have only been to Hong Kong a couple of times, I always see myself as a Hong Konger. Hong Kong is a very good place indeed, and it is my hometown. What I am thinking is, it is good that you guys are fighting for universal suffrage, but always remember one thing, the politicians always lie, no matter if they are Chinese or British. They are powerful as hell and can do whatever they want, doesn't matter how man hundred thousands of protesters you have. If you want to change Hong Kong, you will have to be the politicians. "Be the one with power, not the one opposing the power."
VolvoB12BLE on 2014年9月29日 00:26:30:程度不同,但係性質一樣wor。同埋邊嗰話keyboard fighter唔可以攞人命先。網路欺凌都可以令到受害者唸埋一邊㗎wor。係就好似講得好誇張,不過呢個可能性亦唔係零。如果我要唸清楚,咁睇怕呢度個個都要唸清楚la。成班人喺度亂咁噏。再加上,係網絡講野,係唔係就可以亂噏一通,話人五毛,而唔駛負責任先。到時人地話你誹謗。記住,網絡世界同真實世界一樣。The law applies to both worlds.