名字入面既Salz係指鹽,奧地利雖然唔係沿海城市,但由於地殼運動令本區盛產岩鹽,而以前就係靠Salzach River運鹽;至於Burg係指城堡,舊城區有一座好高既山,山上有一座城堡,可以飽覽全市,據講呢座城堡咁多年黎都受地勢保謢而變得極難攻下。
Salzburg, the second largest city in Austria, famous for 2 things:
1. Here is Mozart's hometown
2. The place that films the Sound of Music
'Salz' in the name means salt. Here produces the rock salt, and delivered the salt by Salzach River in the past; 'Burg' means castle. There is a castle on the hill in old town area. Tourists can view the whole scene of Salzburg. In the past the castle is diffcult to attack by enemies because it is placed on the cliff.
Salzburg市內巴士線主要由兩間公司營運,分別為 Obus SLB (Oberleitungsbus Salzburg) 及 Albus Salzburg,本文會先介紹前者。
Salzburg city bus service mainly provides by 2 companies, Obus SLB (Oberleitungsbus Salzburg) and Albus Salzburg. I will introduce the former one first.
Salzburg市中心內,大部分街道上面都有電線,皆因市內有無軌電車行走。市內發展無軌電車已經有幾十年,全數由Obus SLB營運,換句話講,Obus SLB全線車隊都係掛接無軌電車,係舊城區既建築物中穿梭,別有一番風味。
In the city area, there are electric wire on top of the street. It supplies the electricity for the trolley buses. Salzburg developed trolley buses long time ago and all trolley buses are run by Obus SLB. That means, the fleet of Obus SLB are all formed by articulated trolley buses.
As trolley buses are powered by electricity, they seldom cause environmental problem. Even the buses is over 20 years old. Now Obus SLB mainly has 5 types of trolley buses.
1. Gräf & Stift GE112M16
Gräf & Stift為奧地利車廠,於上世紀70年代輾轉同MAN合併,但品牌名一直用以銷售無軌電車至2001年,本批車之生產期由1988-1994,換句話講最後生個部都已經超過二十歲,至於仲會保留幾耐?小弟認為應該會好快退役,原因係稍後再提。
Gräf & Stift is an Austrian bus manufacturer. It was grouped with MAN in 70s in 20th century. The brand name used for producing trolley buses until 2001.
This batch was manufactured in 1988-1994. Even the 'youngest' bus is over 20 years old. I think the rest of them will retire in several years later. The reason will be stated later on.
This model is the only non-SLF model in the fleet.
2. Gräf & Stift/MAN NGT204M16
The next generation of GE112M16, produced in 1994-1997.
3. Vanhool AG300T
Produced in early 21st century.
4. Solaris Trollino 18
Munich一文已經介紹過Urbino 18,將Urbino 18加上集電弓,就變成Trollino 18,車頭近乎一樣,車尾就省卻死氣喉
In the last post I had introduced the Urbino 18 in Munich. Putting the pantograph on it will become a Trollino 18. The front is same as the Urbino, while the rear of the bus omits the exhaust pipe component.
Even it is 2.55 Metres wide and 18 Metres long, it can still run in the old town area with narrow path.
5. Solaris Trollino 18 Metrostyle
The last model, pending to deliver from 2012 to 2017 in a total of 36 buses. I think GE112M16 will retired is because they will be replaced by the new Trollino 18.
車隊編號333既一部車,係Solaris生產既第1000部Trollino,故此此車車身印上 1000.Trollino 字樣
Fleet number 333 is the 1000 Trollino produced by Solaris. It have '1000.Trollino' words printing on the body.
The trolley buses run in the old town area.
另一間公司,Albus Salzburg就係負責市中心至近郊地區既巴士服務,Albus既服務範圍幾廣泛,做市區巴士,觀光服務,出租服務,甚至係下一篇文章會介紹既跨境服務
Another company Albus Salzburg mainly takes part in town centre to rural area bus service. Also it has the city sightseeing service, bus rental services and service for border crossing service (which will be introduced in next post).
As there are no electric poles in rural area, the main fuel for Albus Salzburg is diesel and CNG, it has no trolley bus at all.
City buses in Salzburg
(Man Lion's City G/MB Citaro K)
觀光巴士,此車車尾印有推介仙樂飄飄處處聞廣告,據講此city tour會帶遊客遊走唔同既拍攝場地
City tour, livery for promotion of Sound of Music. Seems this bus will travel to different film location of Sound of Music.
(Setra S415GT-HD)
Bus rental service. The bus is rented by foreigners and traveled to another town in Austria
(Setra S415UL)
車費又貴唔貴呢?係Salzburg市內搭巴士好少會逐程俾錢,遊客通常會買一張Salzburg卡 (27歐元),持卡人可以係同一日內免費遊覽Salzburg多個著名旅遊景點,包括上城堡既纜車,大約遊覽三個景點已經翻本,仲可以無限次任搭市內巴士,其實計落係好平既事。
Is the fare expensive? In Salzburg the tourist seldom pay the bus fare in each bus journey. They can buy a Salzburg Card (27 euro). Card holder can be free for going to several tourist spots in Salzburg (around 3 spots entrance fee can cover the card fee). Also they can travel by bus in city area without money for whole day. Thus the card is not expensive.

Of course more bus services are provided in Salzburg, in next post I will talk about how to cross border by taking the bus, and the Postbus.

p.s. 以上車型資料為網上搜集資料,未必全部正確。
p.s. The information of the bus model is searched from other websites, it may have some mistakes.