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[AUS] MAN A95 Gemilang B Line


板主: HN8597

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[AUS] MAN A95 Gemilang B Line

文章ST 2250 » 2017年10月12日 14:13:02 (p#2871456)

Sydney is starting to take delivery of some new MAN A95 Gemilang Deckers for the new B Line network on the Northern Beaches. Went to chase a few on driver training runs in the city.




ST 2250 (u#37470)
在論壇有 9 年年資在論壇有 9 年年資在論壇有 9 年年資在論壇有 9 年年資
文章: 34
註冊時間: 2015年5月31日 21:33:27
錢包: 2.22 明彩 
來自: Sydney, Australia
攝影器材: Canon EOS 600D

Re: [AUS] MAN A95 Gemilang B Line

文章VolvoB12BLE » 2017年10月13日 19:38:30 (p#2871506)

I was certain that State Transit will go for Bustech cdi instead of MAN. Hopefully that was not the case and I was so happy when they announced to get MAN instead. Tried some Hong Kong ones last time when I went back and they were fantastic. Soft suspension, super quite bus and quite powerful.

The huge amount of Bustech orders by State Transit in recent years made me fed up. Rattling bodies, slow doors, slanted floor and seats, especially with the Scania chassis and Cooltek airconditiong which is adding roughness and noise to our travelling experience. I doubted if there are any worse combinations out there. Pity that I don't really have much to choose as my routes are served by Tempe, Kingsgrove and Port Botany.
VolvoB12BLE (u#25782)
在論壇有 12 年年資在論壇有 12 年年資在論壇有 12 年年資在論壇有 12 年年資在論壇有 12 年年資在論壇有 12 年年資
文章: 86
註冊時間: 2012年5月16日 20:30:50
錢包: 10 明彩 

Re: [AUS] MAN A95 Gemilang B Line

文章Ms61 » 2017年10月20日 05:20:07 (p#2871946)

Well well well, looks like MAN are finally making some strides and expanding in the double deckers market. Their standard buses are already very good and solid so I Guess their double deckers should be the same.

Nice to see that they kept the MAN body design even though its manufactured in Malaysia.
Ms61 (u#8630)
在論壇有 18 年年資在論壇有 18 年年資在論壇有 18 年年資在論壇有 18 年年資在論壇有 18 年年資在論壇有 18 年年資在論壇有 18 年年資在論壇有 18 年年資在論壇有 18 年年資
文章: 139
註冊時間: 2006年3月14日 03:16:42
錢包: 0.34 明彩 
來自: Paris

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