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文章S3N361.GA6479 » 2017年11月15日 15:40:49 (p#2873570)

http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/t ... tor=CS1-10

The Straits Times :SINGAPORE - Two commuters sustained injuries that were categorised as “major emergencies” - and another 23 people were injured - when a stalled SMRT train was hit from behind by another one at Joo Koon MRT.

The collision took place at around 8am on Wednesday (Nov 15) during the morning peak hour when trains are usually packed. The first train had stalled as it entered Joo Koon MRT.

The incident led to major delays on the East-West Line. At the same time, the Circle Line was hit by a major disruption said to have been caused by a door fault.

A total of 23 passengers and two SMRT staff sustained light to moderate injuries, and were taken conscious to the National University Hospital and Ng Teng Fong General Hospital.

Of the 10 who were taken to Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, a spokesman said that two were assessed to have sustained injuries under the P2 category, or “major emergencies”, such as limb fractures and joint dislocation. The other eight sustained relatively minor injuries, such as sprains.

The Straits Times understands that the incident has to do with a malfunction of the new signalling system.


查返資料,呢一段東西線採用嘅Thelas CBTC信號系統同港鐵市區線正在安裝嘅新信號系統係相同,未知會唔會影響倒轉用新信號系統嘅時間表呢?
ex-EY4088 ex-GA6479 ex-GA6126 ex-GX7580 ex-HP3851 KN4792 KT3917 KY5722 ME284 PC6429 PG3570
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註冊時間: 2009年2月18日 23:16:54
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攝影器材: Nikon D500

Re: 新加坡SMRT東西線發生列車碰撞意外

文章九廣通 » 2017年11月15日 23:54:15 (p#2873623)


Land Transport Authority - We Keep Your World Moving :[LTA Update on Train Incident at Joo Koon Station]
This morning at about 8.18am, a train heading in the direction of Tuas Link Station stopped at Joo Koon Station to detrain passengers due to an anomaly in the train signalling system. At 8.19am, a second train stopped 10.7 metres behind the first stationary train. This is in accordance with the safety protocol of the signalling system protection that ensures safe stopping distance between two trains. At 8.20am, after detrainment, the first train’s doors closed and before this train could move off, the second train, activated by the signalling system, moved towards the first train and hit it.
Thales, LTA and SMRT are investigating the incident.
The preliminary finding was that the first train departed Ulu Pandan Depot with a software protection feature, but the feature was inadvertently removed when the first train passed by a faulty signalling circuit. This train then arrived at Joo Koon station without the feature. The removal of this feature resulted in the first train giving off a train profile on the new signalling system of a three-car train instead of a six-car train. As a result, the second train detected the first train as a three-car train and misjudged the distance between the two trains, therefore resulting in the collision.
Thales has confirmed the old and new signalling systems continue to be safe for operation. The East-West Line is currently running on the old signalling system from Pasir Ris to Pioneer, and the new signalling system from Joo Koon to Tuas Link. As a precautionary measure, trains will go through an additional layer of control measures and manual checks before they are deployed. Operations from Joo Koon to Tuas Link will also be suspended on 16 Nov 2017, while we conduct assurance checks with Thales. Bus bridging will be deployed for the affected stretch for the duration of the suspension.

[LTA – SMRT Joint Update on Joo Koon Station Incident]
At about 7.30pm earlier, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital admitted a walk-in from an injured passenger. This brings the total number of injuries to 29.
For the 14 injured who were admitted to Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, including the new walk-in, 11 have been discharged, and two remain warded for observation. The new patient is being treated.
The situation remains for those admitted to the National University Hospital, with one passenger warded for observation.
The Ministry of Transport, Land Transport Authority (LTA) and SMRT will remain in touch with the injured passengers and others who may come forward later to offer the necessary assistance.

- 第一抽/被撞既列車朝早係 Ulu Pandan Depot 出廠,經過一個有問題既信號電路時,軟件安全裝置被解除,令新信號系統誤認該列車為三卡列車
- 第一抽列車在 0818 時係 EW29 Joo Koon 裕群 站因信號系統出現上述問題而清客
- 第二抽列車在 0819 時係第一抽列車 10.9m 後停下
- 第一抽列車清客後準備離開時,因第一點所述的錯誤,及因閘門已關上,站內安全設備沒有發揮作用,令第二抽列車的信號系統誤以為第一抽列車為三卡列車,距離計算錯誤而以時速 16 公里撞向第一抽列車
事件中有 29 人受傷,包括第二抽列車既司機同一位助理車站主任。14 人被送往黃廷芳綜合醫院,三位乘客現正留醫;另外 15 人被送往國大醫院,一名乘客正在留醫。傷者傷勢包括撞爆牙、面部、瘀青同暈倒等。
依單係新信號系統投入服務以來,第一單嚴重事故,Thales 亦指過去沒有經歷過類似事故。
交通部長許文遠 Khaw Boon Wan 就事件致歉。

明天 EW29 Joo Koon 至 EW33 Tuas Link 間之列車服務將暫停,以便新信號系統承辦商 Thales、陸交局 LTA 同營辦商 SMRT 共同調查事件;而 North South Line 既全程行車時間將增加 40 分鐘,以便進行檢查。免費接駁巴士將在指定區域提供服務,接載受影響乘客。
另外由於列車數目減少,今日下午繁忙時間 North South Line 既列車服務都曾經受影響。
南北線同東西線 NSEWL 列車之間既距離亦會臨時加長,以確保安全,等車時間亦會延長。營辦商亦會以人手檢查個安全系統是否正常運作。
九廣通 (u#16624)
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文章: 542
註冊時間: 2009年4月20日 19:11:12
錢包: 9.93 明彩 
攝影器材: Canon EOS 550D

Re: 新加坡SMRT東西線發生列車碰撞意外

文章ATR300,ATE1 KX 675~~~~ » 2017年11月16日 01:26:29 (p#2873624)

ATR300,ATE1 KX 675~~~~ (u#2081)
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文章: 14,083
註冊時間: 2003年4月20日 11:07:38
錢包: 96.79 明彩 
來自: 洪水橋洪福邨

Re: 新加坡SMRT東西線發生列車碰撞意外

文章S3N361.GA6479 » 2017年11月17日 00:15:25 (p#2873673)


從二十號起,大士西延線(EW30 Gul Circle - EW33 Tuas Link)同其餘嘅EWL(EW29 Joo Koon -
EW1 Pasir Ris)將分開營運最多一個月,其間大士西延線會用新信號系統,其餘嘅東西線會用舊信號。EW29 Joo Koon至EW30 Gul Circle一段將以免費接駁巴士代替。

ex-EY4088 ex-GA6479 ex-GA6126 ex-GX7580 ex-HP3851 KN4792 KT3917 KY5722 ME284 PC6429 PG3570
GA6479's Photo Album.
S3N361.GA6479 (u#16263)
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文章: 1,499
註冊時間: 2009年2月18日 23:16:54
錢包: 18.87 明彩 
攝影器材: Nikon D500

Re: 新加坡SMRT東西線發生列車碰撞意外

文章九廣通 » 2017年11月22日 01:06:19 (p#2873954)

今日,SMRT、新加坡陸交局 LTA 同信號系統供應商 Thales 發表意外調查結果,
指導致意外的原因是由於第一列列車車上的信號組件有異常狀況,導致新 CBTC 系統確保列車距離的第一道安全裝置被解除,新系統即時啓動第二道安全裝置 Non-Communicating Obstruction (NCO)(在背景運作的 CBTC 系統安排列車以 RM Mode 行駛一段距離 :?:
但該列列車經過 EW23 Clementi 站附近一組尚未進行 CBTC 信號升級的軌道組件時,第二道安全裝置亦被解除
當列車駛至 EW28 Pioneer 自動轉換新信號系統時,車長發現信號系統有問題,通知控制中心並安排係 EW29 Joo Koon 站清客,但列車正在駛離月臺時,卻因閘門已關上,站內安全設備沒有發揮作用,導致意外發生

信號系統供應商 Thales 已找到方法避免類似干擾再次發生,並就事件負全責及致歉
而在部分星期五、六晚上及星期六、日早上,東西綫 EW16 Outrum Park 至 EW33 Tuas Link 及南北綫 NS4 Choa Chu Kang 至 NS1 Jurong East 間的列車服務將提早完結及延遲啓動,以提供更多檢修時間,確保列車安全營運
九廣通 (u#16624)
在論壇有 15 年年資在論壇有 15 年年資在論壇有 15 年年資在論壇有 15 年年資在論壇有 15 年年資在論壇有 15 年年資在論壇有 15 年年資
文章: 542
註冊時間: 2009年4月20日 19:11:12
錢包: 9.93 明彩 
攝影器材: Canon EOS 550D

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