原文: 南華早報 (English only)
New owner considers merging operations of Hong Kong’s Citybus,
New World First Bus after streamlining unified management team
-Plans include having same colour for buses, same uniform for all frontline workers, but merger must wait until 2023, union says
-Despite recent fare increase, bus companies still suffering impact of pandemic, reduce 135 services temporarily
The new owner of one of Hong Kong’s largest franchised bus groups is considering merging the operations of its two subsidiaries – Citybus and New World First Bus (NWFB) – amid heavy losses that have persisted despite a recent fare increase, the Post has learned.
However, as the two firms are bound by the terms and conditions of three government franchises, a staff union said any proposed merger would only be possible in 2023 through discussions about renewing two of those agreements that expire that year. The third runs out in 2026.
The Transport Department confirmed to the Post that both bus companies had indicated their intention to renew the franchises.(仲有下文)
講真早喺 2003 年周大叔買起城巴而至新城一家親之日開始已經預到呢件事遲早有機會發生,
雖然唔覺太意外, 但係我肯定阿爺一定唔想見到咁嘅事情發生,
咁樣亦表示將會返回 1993 年9 月前中巴獨領港島區專營權嘅時代