I am planning to visit Hong Kong from beginning of July til end of August........mainly for visiting family, relatives and friends, but also hope to get a bit of time to mess around with buses here and there in between (and of course, would definitely be very keen to meet some of the local transit enthusiasts! The population of transit buffs in Hong Kong is purely amazing, given the city of its size with 4000+ people obsessed with buses, outnumbering the ones we have in Canada by far making us only a fraction of what you guys have!)
OK now, I'll lay this straight as simple as I can.........I know close to nothing about buses in Hong Kong, good enough to tell the differences in models and perhaps a little bit of fleet-organizing systems used by the three (or shall I say two?) major bus companies.........other than that, nothing else.
SO, Just a few questions that I have in mind as I am typing right now, will eventually add more questions if they arise in the future, and I hope you guys can try your best to help me out here!
1.) How many buses are there in Hong Kong? (Approximately)
2.) What's the ratio between single-decker and double-decker?
3.) What are some of the most unique / interesting / scenie / enjoyable routes that you would recommend me to try?
4.) What are some of the most unique buses in the system? (and how can I find them?)
5.) Do bus companies allow visitors for their garages / bus yards?
6.) Are there any fan trips / special activities coming up in between July - August?
7.) Other than the "common sense" hazards such as traffic, pedestrians etc., are there anything else that I should be careful about when taking pictures of buses / subway / LRT? (In particular, security measures taken by the transit agencies)
8.) Any particular districts / areas of town that I should avoid visiting? (what we call in North America - the "ghetto", usually describing run-down neighborhoods with high crime rates)
Finally........anyone interested to meet up or would like to talk individually, please do not hesistate to send me a PM and we'll work somethin' out!

Once again, I do understand Chinese, so please feel free to communicate in either English or Chinese......whatever you feel most comfortable with!
Best regards,