VN790/790 慣常閘口~ Gate 20
板主: KT
由 1333 » 2009年9月4日 20:33:26 (p#1711173)
由 HH1472 » 2009年9月7日 23:28:17 (p#1713414)
由 KV9033 » 2009年9月8日 18:37:32 (p#1713708)
aisleHH1472 :It's built for Single Asile only... but i dont think even the 757 can park at that gate, please correct me if I am wrong.
By the way, can the ERJ190 be parked at the sattlelite terminal then? Since even Gate 20, the ERJ cannot be parked there. Airport Authority did came onboard the ERJ190 when it first flew into HKG, and measured the size, but ended up saying that not even Gate 20 can park the 190.
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