Flight date: 03-07-10
Flight time: EDB-MSE 14:50- 16:20/ 25 mins turn around/ MSE-EDB 16:45- I saw the plane flying over for final approach on the way to the airport- very small regional airport
Flight crew: 2 + pilot+ co pilot
Aircraft: Dash8 Q400
This is my first time on a Turbo prop aircraft - 2+2 seat layout- less than 25 rolls on the seat
From Manston after security:

To the shop, gate and departure hall

Right side of the departure hall

Left side of the departure Hall

Boarding pass- very simple and hand written seat with stamped on flight details!!!

Manston airport and aircraft from far

Close up of the Q400

Cabin view- very few people on the flight, possibly due to late flying out from Kent only around 25 people on flight- wonder how they make profits, because there's not a lot of advertisement on the flight

My seat

Landing gear close up from my seat- right next to the right engine

Arrived in EDB

Ready to offload luggages

Engines were shut down

After getting off the plane onto the shuttle bus, we walked into the airport and no customs checks were needed and the passengers walk straight off from the bagge reclaim out to the airport exit

Airport express bus ticket
Before landing, as there were thick clouds, we had turbulence when turning and close to landing and the whole plane was shaking a lot- partly because this is such a small plane compared to the B744/B773/A343. The plane was shaking quite a lot during taxi as well, and felt like as if if was going to fall apart- Might be I was seating next to the engine, the plane was quite noisy and the vibrations was all the way through from the engine starts till it stops. and you can hear metal vibrating noises during the whole flight as well.......but u get wat u paid for and its very good because I came back to Kent By train for nearly 7 hours!!!
Also, after landing, we stopped on the taxi way and the pilot announced that because this is the last flight of the day for the aircraft, some testing has to be done and told us to prepare for about 30 seconds of shaking while testing. After that, the engines were switched to nearly full power but the plane did not move and the whole plane shook for 30 seconds, like a great turbulence- Does anybody know what this is?
I liked this airline because it is clean and good service is maintained and mostly on time. The little Q400 plane was cool too!
Thank you very much for reading