(For convenience, this post also with English description)
雖然第一隻 Project DIVA 仲未爆機, 但係已經忍唔住入埋初音ミク Project DIVA 2nd,
Even I haven't finish my first Project DIVA, but just can't wait to get the Project DIVA 2nd,
and finally received today.

仲有特典 Nendoroid Putti 初音ミク一個, 似扣電話繩多D, 不過我唔捨得用...
The game also come with a Nendoroid Putti Hatsune Miku figure, mostly for phone strip,
I don't want to use this though...

賣家更送上特典初音ミク DVD 一隻~ ^^
The seller also gave me a special Hatsune Miku Project DIVA 2nd promotion DVD

開機, 要注意先將 PSP 軟體更新至 ver. 6.20 先至可以啓動
Turn on, note that you need to update the software of PSP to ver. 6.20 before you can start the game

OK, let's start~

Played for little bit, seems like little harder than the last one...
Thanks for reading~