(momentum,circular& projectile motion , gravitation)
有多條程度達A-level 的 物理 疑問,需要求助。
NSS Physics (Force and Motion)
Unless otherwise specified , neglect air resistance and use the values of the constants provided in the Appendix for calculation.
Structured Questions 16 ,17, 淨係18(b)(i)(ii)(iii), (c) (iv), 19 (a) (ii) ,20(b) (c) (d) ,(e)1 , 2 , 3.
Steps and arguments are welcome to provide and discuss.
16. (a) (iv) seat belts / airbags
17. (a) 1.1 ms^-1 ; 16.5 m
(c) 130 N
20. (b) 200 kN
(c) 7.67 times 10^ 7 J
(d) 42.6 kW
Anyway, thx.