上訴日期:2012 年 1 月 19 日 (註:本會收到申訴理據的日期為 2012 年 1 月 30 日。)
日期:2012 年 1 月 19 日
原因:《 論壇通用規則 》第 8.9 條
人員:TobuMinamiKurihashiRailwaySta. (#3316)
會員名稱 : E233
被處分的文章編號或連結 : 【警告】#18487 E233 viewtopic.php?p=2238982#p2238982
上訴理據 :
Well, I don't think this is absolutely fair for me. First, you guys have punished me and warn me two times within a time. You can't charge people for more than one time in one period because I am absolutely confused on what do you mean by polite or impolite. Someone offended me, and he swears at me, saying bullshit to me, well, what do you think I would have to do. I am not saying this is right to write something that offended someone, but why is it me that is being punished? People offended me, tell me that I am wrong for everything, and a guy tell me to leave just because he think I am racist. I don't think this is a fair judgement. These days, I have been working very hard on hkbf, I started writing many replies and stuff while I am here in Hong Kong (I live overseas and makes it difficult for me to log in to hkbf, the server is slow), well, no one appreciate that. The most important thing is, I can't stand people keep misunderstanding me. For my first reply, I really have no offence. But that guy than reply and tell me that I disrespect him and he swears at me, what do you think? Everyone will be unhappy, true? But you guys didn't give him any punishments, while he is the one who started that. everyone just start yelling at me and write me negative comments while they don't actually read through my whole reply. So are you guys yourself racist because you are just helping those you can write chinese and punish those you can't? Are you guys punishing me just for my frustration towards misunderstanding? Well, I am frustrated just because no-one understand what I was typing, but just start yelling at me (like those members) and like you (the adminstrator).
That's all I want to say. I just feel everyone should have the responsibility because their disrespect causes me to write these kind of reply.
委員就下列問題表決,1 輪表決共收到 5 票,表決結果以底綫顯示:
文章主題的題目為「西鐵線速度調節」。GZG50 (#4477)回覆「If you bring in racism, please just leave us alone!」後,E233 (#18487) 在 p#2238982 解釋自己沒有種族歧視,並要求其他會員回覆前小心閱讀其文章。
- 該文章 (p#2238982) 是否偏離主題重心?
5 是 - 如 Q.2 為「是」,該回覆是否有任何重要的原因必須發出?(例如有重大迫切性需澄清他人指控以避免其個人利益或名譽受損)
3 是;2 否
TobuMinamiKurihashiRailwaySta. (#3316) 就 p#2238982 按《 論壇通用規則 》第 8.9 條作出處分。 - 該處分是否合理?
5 是 - 如 Q.3 為「是」,該處分的額度是否合理?
5 否 - 如 Q.4 為「否」,請建議合適的處分額度(即處分級別及凍結日數,如適用;注意本委員會不可通過任何加刑動議)。
5 注意
- 上訴人就該文章違反該規則所作的上訴成功,有關該文章違反該規則的處分改為注意。
- 有委員指出在會員 E233 文章發出之前,會員 GZG50 同樣離題,但板務人員卻只向會員 E233 發出處分,而額度更為警告,認為處分有欠公平。
- 有委員指出上訴會員雖然態度上較為激進,但只屬初犯,而且發表離題回覆可能與未熟識本壇制度有關,故板務人員不應給予嚴重的處分。
- 有委員指出在公平的討論環境下,會員應享有對其他會員作出合理質疑的權利,而被質疑的會員亦應享有辯解以保障其個人利益 (包括聲譽) 的權利。本案中的上訴會員被另一會員質疑言論帶種族歧視成份,惟辯解的回覆被板務人員介定為離題。「種族歧視」與主題重心 (「西鐵線速度調節」) 雖沒有直接關係,但由於種族歧視指控非常嚴重,如指控屬實,定必對上訴會員聲譽構成重大影響,在此特殊情況下,容許會員保障自身聲譽的重要性應當凌駕於保持主題可讀性的重要性之上。此原則亦體現於其他類似情況,例如於「交通電腦作品」板,會員遇到疑似侵權的作品時,可以回覆方式對作品的版權提出質疑,被質疑的會員亦可以回覆方式作出澄清;又或於「巴士多媒體」板,會員遇到疑似未經授權進入私人地方拍攝的圖片時,可以回覆方式對拍攝作品的方法提出質疑,被質疑的會員亦可以回覆方式作出澄清。該委員建議板方遇到類似情況時,應確保會員以回覆方式進行合理質疑或辯解時不受處分,以保持公平的討論環境。