ATACS :MM@! :ATACS :新ATO 比前停得準左, 不過都係早左少少; 另外剎車緩衝無左, 相信係因為佢制動控制得好過K仔所以唔浪費咁多時間做緩衝
ATO能夠以控制Jerk Rate嚟減速係依家嘅trend,因為坐車嘅係人,唔係貨
龜仔當日改到K仔咁低Jerk Rate 似乎只係為左減少佢個BECU 需要"協調"呢個動作 (前後用多左四秒都唔好話少)
大家都知K仔個BECU 反應慢且唔協調, 佢初制動太強好容易出事
如果龜仔真係有心控制低Jerk Rate 減速無理由其他車唔搞
![Smile :smile:](
佢都想控制Jerk Rate嫁
話說Vision 2020計劃,講左列車方面,要主力研究控制Jerk Rate,嚟提高舒適度
依家(2月)改緊3抽Mod Train,只會測試同「攞數」,唔會有2020列車嘅prototype睇住
![Mr. Green :mrgreen:](
ATACS :MM大你話"如果位置有錯,就永遠會feed緊個錯嘅位置俾其他車,或者系統會唔知道架車過左信號燈。", 但係以我所知地車個SACEM 並唔滿足IEEE1474 ge雙向通訊CBTC, 部車自己定位應該唔會feed 比個系統同其他車, 系統都係靠track circuit 來知有無車係度的吧?
關於Moral Time,你有興趣嘅話,我想分享呢段文字俾你
- 代碼: 選擇全部
The purpose of ATC moral time is to avoid an inconsistency between ATC and Interlocking system when the actual train has not passed through the signal but the calculated maximum location (localization error) of the trainborne ATP system has calculated itself already passed through the signal.
This will cause the following scenario,
1) The route can be set (due to train does not pass through the signal)
2) The train calculates that it has already passed through the signal and memorized its previous ATP code to keep on moving in Auto/CM mode.
In order to prevent this hazard, the trainborne ATP will triggers a timer ( Moral Time - to cut off ATP code) when the maximum location of the train crosses the signal by a distance less than the maximum localisation error.
When a signal is cleared,and the leading cab of a train stays within the Moral Time zone for more than 30 seconds.
•Then, Auto / CM mode becomes not available with normal target speed
•Moral Time zone measures from the “zero point” of Emergency Brake Trigger Profile of the signal (when it is at danger) to 75 m after the track circuit boundary next to the signal.
•RM mode must be used to next fixed / logical (invisible) signal, or End of Shunt Zone - a location such that the tail of the train is clear of point(s) protected by the signal.
•This is to prevent SACEM disobeying signal due to cancelling a route.