亞洲快運集團今日公佈,本集團已經履行本年(二零一二年)初與本地政府簽定之航約,由原來最高可開辦六百條定期客運及一百條定期貨辦航線(特別全商務服務則不受此航約所限),即合共七百條定期航線;至可開辦最多九百條定期航線(即七百條定期客運航線及二百條定期貨辦航銢)。由本新聞稿所發出之前,亞洲快運集團已經全數用盡配額全數開辦七百條客運航線及二百條貨辦定期航線。該七百條客運航線全數由本集團全新之空中巴士公司 A380-900 型客機運作。空中巴士 A380-900 型客機為目前世界上載客量最高之客機,載客量達八百七十五人;其績航能力同時為世界上客機中最長之一,可不停站飛行連續二萬公里 (另一款可飛行二萬公里之客機為空中巴士 A380-800 型,目前亞洲快運同時擁有六百多部該型號客機)。使亞洲快運可輕易營運由亞洲往來南美洲之超長途航班。另外亞洲快運集團另外再開辦一條商務航班,本公司則稱之"商務快線",由波音 737-800BBJ 商務客機運作。換言之亞洲快運集團目前已經開辦九百零一條航線。透過亞洲快運之總部 - 香港(赤鱲角國際機場)及亞洲兩大重點輸紐 - 香港(啟德國際機場)及新加坡(樟宜國際機場)提供多條往返亞洲往來歐洲、非洲、北美洲及拉丁美洲等地。另外本公司同時視加拿大溫哥華國際機場、南非約翰尼斯堡(奧利弗•坦博國際機場)、紐西蘭奧克蘭國際機場及阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯(埃塞薩皮斯塔里尼部長國際機場)為重點機場,已經於該地開辦多條航線前往亞洲及北美等地。
同時為配合商業航班需求。今天,亞洲快運開始將旗下客機改裝加設商務客位。目前已經亞洲快運集團已將旗下 203 部空中巴士 A380-900 型客機進行改裝,由原來 875 座全經濟客位改為 475 座經濟客位及 200 座商務客位,合共提供 675 個客位。(當中有部份為本公司測試商務機 - 設 1 個經濟客位及 437 個商務客位,合共提供 438 個機位。) 目前該 203 部客機已經投入服務,並營運於香港往來拉丁美洲之超長途航線。亞洲快運之商務客位參考了各位乘客之意見,就舒適度、多用途特色及功能各方面深入研究而成,乘客於客艙內的睡眠、餐膳、工作、閱讀、視聽娛樂及歇息等需要均照顧周全。座椅的設計,兼顧到乘客擁有私人及活動空間。椅背呈翼狀,如翅膀般保護乘客的私人空間,但設有相對寬敞的活動範圍。座椅向方經細心考慮,方便乘客觀賞窗外景致,又能與旅伴閒聊溝通。控制器位置觸手可及,由調較私人電視螢幕設定、運作機上娛樂系統,以至調節座位高度均非常方便。輕輕按鍵,座椅能便伸展為平臥的睡床,是市面上商用客機使用的最寬最長的睡床之一。每個座位均配備通用供電插座,乘客可隨時為電子儀器充電。多用途插頭支援 RCA 端口、USB 端口及蘋果 iPhone/iPod 插頭。RCA 端口及蘋果 iPhone/iPod 插頭讓乘客接駁個人裝置,透過座位上的私人電視螢幕收看影片,USB 端口則可為手機及 BlackBerry 電話等裝置充電。
因應加設商務客位,亞洲快運會同時更新經濟客艙,本公司之全新經濟客位將採用獨立式靠背座椅,不旦設計使椅背調校得更低,讓乘客更感舒適同時為每一個旅客提供更寬闊的私人空間。新增的十二點一吋高解像輕觸式私人電視屏幕,USB及蘋果 iPod/iPhone連接器,讓乘客可把個人流動裝置的影像接駁至座椅電視屏幕。座椅設計不但更加寬敞,亦提供更多儲物空間。
亞洲快運快將旗下其他空中巴士 A380-900 型客機分階段進行改裝工程。至於未來新訂購之客機將會配備全新客艙產品。
至於貨運業務方面,亞洲快運集團已經開辦二百條貨辦航線。當中大部份於我們之總部 - 香港(赤鱲角國際機場)及亞洲兩大重點貨運輸紐 - 香港(啟德國際機場)及新加坡(樟宜國際機場)出發至世界各地。同時我們因應中國大陸之強大貨運需求,亞洲快運集團於中國上海(浦東國際機場)及北京(首都國際機場)開辦多條貨辦航線提供直接貨運服務。目前我們貨運部主要採用空中巴士 A380-800 貨機及 A380-800 改裝貨機運作。空中巴士 A380-800 貨機載客量達三十三萬磅,並可連續飛行一百零四百公里,為世界上最先進之貨機之一。空中巴士 A380-800改裝貨機則為世界上目前續航能力最長之貨機,可載貨二十五萬磅不停站飛行二萬公里。另外亞洲快運集團亦同時運作五架安托諾夫 An-225 型「夢想式」運輸機,該五部貨機為世界上最貨量最多之貨機,可載貨五十五萬磅並連續飛行四千公里。本公司有豐富之貨運及物流經驗可協助每一位顧客安心及方便運作各物資前往世界各地。
為配合業務發展需要,亞洲快運集團是日舉行招聘會,提供大量就業機會給予對航空業有興趣之人士。是日本公司已即時聘請 22 名員工。現時亞洲快運集團及旗下子公司已於全球共聘請了七萬八千二百五十四人,為本地最大雇主之一。另外,是日斥資接近四億七千一百八十多萬元購入約十一億七千九百七十多萬磅燃油作日常營運之用。同時,是日本公司斥資約四千萬元於在全球二十個大型國際機場投放廣告作為進行本公司全新之一系列推廣計劃,是次交易之所需款項由本公司流動資金全數即時付清。是次交易之所需款項由本公司流動資金全數即時付清。
鑑於本公司機隊過盛問題,因而使近日亞洲快運集團股價受壓。亞洲快運集團管理層現正評估將旗下所有全數 611 空中巴士 A380-800 客機機隊及全數 100 部波音 777-300型客機出售,以減輕財政壓力。集團管理層將會盡快提交報告及採取有效措施以況止股價進一步受壓。亞洲快運將第一期計劃修定,由原來將會先出售波音 777-300 型客機修定為先出售已到期需做 C 級維修之空中巴士 A380-800 型客機。出售空中巴士 A380-800 機隊之安排除可減輕泊位支出外,同時可節省一筆可觀之 C 級維修的龐大開支。亞洲快運集團管理層相信出售客機只會對本公司股價有輕微影響。
=== 本文完 ===
Super Asia Group today announced that it fulfilled the air-contract which discuss with local-government at the earlier in this year (2012). In that contract, Super Asia Group able to operate from 600 schedule passenger and 100 schedule cargo flights (i.e. total 700 Schedule flights; the special Business service is not included), to 700 schedule passenger and 200 schedule cargo flights (i.e. total 900 schedule flights services). Before this press release issued, Super Asia Group has fully exhausted the quota to operate the 700 schedule passenger and 200 schedule cargo flights already. Those 700 Schedule Passenger fight operate by Airbus SAS A380-900 Passenger Jet. Airbus SAS A380-900 Passenger Jet is the one modern jet of this age, it is also the largest capacity and longest range jet in the world - able to fly 20,000km non-stop with carrying 875 passengers. Airbus A380-900 has able to let Super Asia operates the ultra-long route between Asia and Latin America very easily. Moreover, Super Asia also provide a whole business service - we call it "Business Express", operate by Boeing 737-800 BBJ Business Jet. Hence, Super Asia Group is operating 901 schedule flights. Through our hub - Hong Kong (Chap Lap Kok International Airport), and two Focus Cities in Asia - Hong Kong (Kai Tai Airport) and Singapore (Changi International Airport), we are offering frequency and convenience schedule flight service between Asia and European, African, North-American and Latin American cities. Also, we also let Canada (Vancouver International Airport), South Africa (Johannesburg - OR Tambo International Airport), New Zealand (Auckland International Airport) and Argentina (Buenos Aires - Ministro Pistarini International Airport) are our Main Airport, providing many schedule fights to Asia and North America already.
Since the increase of demand for business service, Super Asia Group today announced to introduce our new business class cabin. We had been introducing the new business cabin on 203 Airbus A380-900 Aircrafts. Those Aircraft provide 200 Seats in Business Class and 475 Seats in Economy Class - Total seating is 675. (Some of airplanes are testing for the new configuration, which provide 1 seat in Economy Class and 437 seats in Business Class - Provide for 438 seats in total.) All providing business class product’ aircrafts are principally flying the route from Hong Kong to Latin American ultra-long haul services. Super Asia's new Business Class cabin is the result of an intensive and iterative design process involving input from the airline’s passenger to refine comfort, versatility and function. This effort has culminated in a product where every aspect has been thoughtfully designed around passengers’ needs, providing a space in which to sleep, dine, work, read, watch TV or simply relax. The new seat offers both privacy and openness, with a wing-back chair that cocoons passengers in their own private area and has been carefully designed to maximize living space. The seats, which are angled to give passengers a perfect view through the windows and are ideal for those travelling with a companion, provide everything passengers need to control either their widescreen in-flight entertainment system or the infinitely adjustable seat. The seat quickly converts into a bed that is one of the longest and widest provided on any commercial airline. Each seat is equipped with a universal Power Supply outlet to keep electronic devices fully charged. A Multi-port Connector includes an RCA port, an iPhone/iPod connector and a USB port. The RCA and the iPhone/iPod connector allow passengers to connect their own devices and watch video through the Personal TV. The USB port can be used to charge devices such as mobile phones and BlackBerry devices. The new Business Class product will also be progressively installed on our Airbus A380-900 aircrafts. The new order airplanes are already installing the new cabin products.
Passengers who are choosing our Business Class product are allow to enter to out Super Asia Business VIP Lounges before the flight take off. Super Asia prepares many facilities to let out business class passengers to enjoy and relax. Including: Internet Zone - Computer with Internet network access - convenience to working for you, Buffet bar - trying our Chinese, and world-wide delicious dishes and Showers Zone - provide a relax mood before you get on the plane, and let you more comfort in the journey.
Since we provide the business class service, we determine to renew our Economy class as well. The new long-haul Economy Class seat features fixed-back shell design to enhance the level of comfort in the recline position and provides you maximized personal space, the latest 12.1 inch high-resolution touch-screen personal televisions, a USB outlet and an iPod/iPhone outlet that allows passengers to connect their own mobile devices to view content through the personal television. The seat also offers improved living space and more personal storage space.
The new seats will be fitted on all Airbus A380-900 aircraft. The new order aircrafts will install the new cabin products.
For the cargo service, Super Asia is offering 200 schedule cargo services. Most of the schedule cargo flights depart from our hub - Hong Kong (Chap Lap Kok International Airport) and two main cargo hubs - Hong Kong (Kai Tai International Airport) and Singapore (Changi International Airport) to our destination world-wide. Since the demand of mainland China is increasing, Super Asia also set up frequent schedule cargo services from Shanghai (Pudong International Airport) and Beijing (Capital International Airport). Now, Super Asia Cargo serving principally from Airbus SAS A380-800 Freighters and A380-800 Converted Freighters. The Airbus A380-800 Freighter is one of the modern freighters, able to carry 330,000lbs product and flying 10,400km non-stop. The Airbus A380-800 Converted Freighters is the longest range freighter in the world; it can carry 250,000lbs and flying 20,000km non-stop. Moreover, Super Asia Cargo also operates five Антонов Ан-225s. Антонов Ан-225s is the largest capacity freighters in the world, it can able to carry 550,000lbs and flying 4,000km non-stop. Super Asia Group has extensive experience in freight forwarding and logistics experience to help every customer feel at ease and facilitate the operation of various materials to all over the world.
Due to development and expansion, Super Asia Group provides employment opportunities offering to people who interest in aviation. Super Asia Group has been employed 22 staffs in the recruitment today. Currently, Super Asia Group and its subsidiaries employ 78,254 people worldwide, making the Super Asia Group one of local's biggest employers. In addition, Super Asia Group purchased 1,169,000,000+ lbs gasoline for daily operation with the total price of around Four Hundred and Sixty-Seven Millions dollars. At the same time, Super Asia Group sets up the billboards at 20 major international airports worldwide for the new series of promotion plan for SAG with the total price of around forty millions dollars. Super Asia Group has been completely to pay for this transaction from the company's liquidity immediately.
Since Super Asia Group is facing excessive of our fleet, and let our stock price become negative estimate for the short-term investment. Super Asia Group Management Team is currently assessing sale for all 611 Airbus A380-800 aircrafts fleet and all the 100 Boeing 777-300 aircraft, in order to alleviate the financial pressure. Management team of the Group will submit a report as soon as possible and take effective measures to further pressure to stock only condition. Super Asia edit our phase one selling plan. The origin plan is selling out the Boeing 777-300 aircraft fleet, and we decide to sell the Airbus A380-800 Aircrafts, which are require to do the C-Check aircraft. This arragement not only able to reduce our parking fee, but also save a huge C-Check maintenance expense. Super Asia Management Team believes that the sale of the aircraft only a slight impact on the price of the shares of the Company.
亞洲快運出售/退役機隊消息 | Update for the Sell Out / Retirement of Super Asia Group's fleet
是日亞洲快運集團已經出售 12 部空中巴士 A380-800 型客機。目前已合共將 23 部空中巴士 A380-800 型客機出售;本公司還持有 590 部同類型客機。
Super Asia Group today announced that it sell out for 12 Airbus A380-800 Passenger Jets. Until now, we have been sold out of 23 Airbus A380-800 Passenger Jets and still own 590 same model aircraft.
因應出售客機,本公司是日手上持有之流動現金已經高達 10015 億元,首次突破 10000億關口 ~
Due to selling out for the aircraft, the liquidity cash for Super Asia Group has been increase to one thousands billion dollars.
亞洲快運集團已退役及現役機型 | The historic fleet of Super Asia Group
- ATR 72-400 | ATR 72-400 (2009/12/28 - 2010/01) | 4
- 空中巴士 A330-300 | Airbus A330-300 (2010/01/16 - 2011/02/14) | 1
- 空中巴士 A380-800 | Airbus A380-800 (2010/02/08 - *) | 669
- 空中巴士 A380-800F 貨機 | Airbus A380-800F (2011/03/01 - *) | 139
- 空中巴士 A380-800 改裝貨機 | Airbus A380-800 Converted Freighters (2011/03/09 - *) | 56
- 空中巴士 A380-900 | Airbus A380-900 (2012/02/15 - * ) | 700
- 安托諾夫 An-225 | Антонов Ан-225 (2011/03/03 - *) | 5
- 波音 737-700 | Boeing 737-700 (2010/01/04 - 2011/02/14) | 1
- 波音 737-800 | Boeing 737-800 (2009/12/28 - 2009/12/30) | 1
- 波音 737-800 商務機 | Boeing 737-800 Business Jet (2011/02/15 - *) | 1
- 波音 747-300 | Boeing 747-300 (2010/01/21 - 2011/02/14) | 1
- 波音 747-400ER | Boeing 747-400ER (2010/02/15 - 2011/02/19) | 4
- 波音 747-8| Boeing 747-8 (2010/02/23 - 2011/03/01) | 45
- 波音 757-300 | Boeing 757-300 (2010/01/05 - 2011/02/14) 6
- 波音 777-200 | Boeing 777-200 (2010/01/23 - 2011/02/14) | 1
- 波音 777-300 | Boeing 777-300 (2010/02/23 - *) | 100
- 波音 777-300LR | Boeing 777-300LR (2010/01/31 - 2011/03/01) | 20
- 波音 787-3| Boeing 787-3 (2010/04/11 - 2011/02/19) | 5
- 波音 787-8| Boeing 787-8 (2010/01/08 - 2011/02/19) | 20
- 寶璣ー杜邦 763 | Breuget 763 (2009/12/30 - 2010/02) | 3
- 和諧式客機 | Concorde (2010/03/12 - 2010) | 1
- 達梭 Mercure | Dassault Mercure (2009/12/30 - 2011/02/14) | 15
- 巴西航空工業公司 ERJ190-200LR | Embraer ERJ190-200LR (2009/12/30 - *) | 1
- 道格拉斯 DC-10-10 | McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10 (2010/01/15 - 2011/02/14) | 11
- 福克 100 Tay620 |Fokker F100 Tay620 (2009/12/30 - 2011/02/14)| 1
- 麥道 MD-11C | McDonnell Douglas MD-11C (2010/01/28 - 2011/02/19) | 2
- 麥道 MD-11ER | McDonnell Douglas MD-11ER | (2010/02/02 - 2011/03/01) | 2
- 麥道 MD-81 | McDonnell Douglas MD-81 (2010/01/01 - 2011/02/14) | 7
- 麥道 MD-88 | McDonnell Douglas MD-88 (2010/01/03 - 2011/02/14) | 1
- 伊留申 IL-86| Ilyushin Il-86 (2010/01/24 - 2011/02/14) | 12
- 伊留申 IL-96-400| Ilyushin Il-96 (2010/01/18 - 2011/02/14) | 15
- 圖波列夫 Tu-104 | Tupolev Tu-104 (2010/01 - 2010/01/30) | 1
圖解 * 為現役機隊,日期為該機型於亞洲快運服役日期。日期後數字為亞洲快運擁有該機型之數量。
Legend: * still in our fleet. The date is the date of service for that type of aircrafts in SAG. The number after the date is the amount of SAG owned.
=== END ===
現時收報: $ 18,822.15 ; (比上次報價升 + $ 2.00 / + 0.011% - 上個交易日收報: $ 18,820.15)。
以市值計,本公司目前全球排名 171 。
=== 亞洲快運集團股票還剩餘二十七萬多股於市場上發售,多謝各位支持本公司 ===
LAST TRADE: $ 18,822.15 (CHANGE: + $ 2.00 / + 0.011% ; LAST TRADING DAY: $ 18,820.15) ~
=== Super Asia Group has nearly 270,000 shares for sell in the stock market. Thank you for support Super Asia Group ===
Super Asia Group
Corporate Communication Department
20th June 2012
亞洲快運集團於二零零九年十二月二十七日起開始運作,以香港為家,為 AM 認證之航空公司及全球小數航空公司得到政府批准加開航線至 700 條定期客運及 200 條定期貨運航線。目前亞洲快運集團及其附屬公司於全球共聘請了 78254人,因此為本地最大雇主之一。同時,亞洲快運目前機隊數量達 1592 架:(包括 100 架波音 777-300 型客機、 1 架波音 737-800BBJ 商務機、 1 架巴西航空工業公司 ERJ190-200LR 客機、 590 架空中巴士 A380-800 客機、 700 部空中巴士 A380-900 客機、 56 架空中巴士 A380-800 改裝貨機、 139 架空中巴士 A380-800F 貨機及 5 架安托諾夫 An-225 「夢想式」運輸機)。每日營運 700 條定期客運、 1 條商務快線及 200 條定期貨運航線;航線遍及世界各地。亞洲快運將會於短期內再訂購貨機及增開貨運航班。現時亞洲快運集團全數 700 條定期航班均由空中巴士 A380-900 型客機運作,另外一條商務航班,本公司稱之 "商務快線" 則繼續以波音 737-800BBJ 商務客機服務。亞洲快運集團除提供定期客貨運航空業務外,目前還擁有九間大型航空公司之股份作穩健投資之用。
About Super Asia Group (SAG)
Super Asia Group (SAG) is a Hong Kong-based airline offering scheduled passenger and cargo services to more than 600 destinations world-wide since December 2009. Super Asia Group is an AM Trusted airline and an airline company that approved by government to operate 100 more schedule passenger and 100 more schedule cargo services. Super Asia is operating a fleet of 1,392 passenger aircrafts (including 100 Boeing 777-300s, 1 Boeing 737-800BBJ, 1 Embraer ERJ190-200LR, 590 Airbus A380-800s and 700 Airbus A380-900s) and 200 freighters (56 Airbus A380-800 Converted Freighters, 139 Airbus A380-800Fs, and 5 Антонов Ан-225s). Super Asia Group and its subsidiaries employ 78,254 people worldwide, making the SA Group one of local's biggest employers. SAG will continue to purchase more aircrafts for expand our network and modernization our fleet. Super Asia operates Airbus A380-900s passenger jets in 700 passenger routes. The other Business Jet service, we called it "Business Express" is continually operate by Boeing 737-800BBJ aircraft. For the cargo department, we are operating 200 schedule cargo air-routes every day. Super Asia Group also holds the nine major airlines shares for long-term investments.