真係好老老實實,你話無 C23M 呢條線同時,我亦都可以話番部車既八達通機的確係顯示「路線 C23M」
咁 Excuse me,係咪無「C23M 此線」話?咁九巴果啲咩嚟既?唔通係虛構出嚟既?
![Shocked :shock:](https://hkbf.org/images/smilies/icon_eek.gif)
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↑ 呢篇 post 都係有個 C 字係到,係咪都需要作出處分?(抱歉我拉埋版友落水)
C 唔 C 呢個問題存在已久,而家 admin 去「揸正嚟做」時,係咪有需要去諗一諗,有無咁既需要呢?
由 NK3640 » 2013年1月8日 01:19:30 (p#2433554)
由 Motorfore » 2013年1月8日 11:00:53 (p#2433599)
NK3640 :http://www.hkbf.org/p2431174.htm#p2431174
真係好老老實實,你話無 C23M 呢條線同時,我亦都可以話番部車既八達通機的確係顯示「路線 C23M」
咁 Excuse me,係咪無「C23M 此線」話?咁九巴果啲咩嚟既?唔通係虛構出嚟既?![]()
↑ 呢篇 post 都係有個 C 字係到,係咪都需要作出處分?(抱歉我拉埋版友落水)
C 唔 C 呢個問題存在已久,而家 admin 去「揸正嚟做」時,係咪有需要去諗一諗,有無咁既需要呢?
由 GP6827~7629 » 2013年1月8日 21:15:13 (p#2433827)
由 LE8869 » 2013年1月8日 21:21:38 (p#2433834)
由 Motorfore » 2013年1月8日 22:32:43 (p#2433871)
LE8869 :for example the topic is "1/8 KMB AV GY4032 @ C73A - 05", is the C in that 73A accepted?
Or if not, if the content is written as "as, C73A - 05", then is it accepted? Thx
由 JU 2541 » 2013年1月8日 22:35:21 (p#2433873)
GP6827~7629 :我淨係想知果篇 30X 去咗邊 ?!
由 andylee0131 » 2013年1月9日 00:02:22 (p#2433915)
由 NK3640 » 2013年1月9日 00:55:14 (p#2433933)
Motorfore :One of our moderators also received a complaint because of the same problem. The member was discontented. He included a series of "![]()
" in his complaint. After an internal discussion, we determined the complaint to be reasonable as normal public could not find a route number of "C30X" or "C23M". We therefore decided to accept "C(Normal Route Number)" if it is shown as a part of the run number, but not itself independently as a route number.
由 Motorfore » 2013年1月9日 01:16:17 (p#2433964)
andylee0131 :我想問
HT1532 @ C36B-04 調走 36 <==即係該字軌調走行該路線就唔加C
HT1532 @ C36M-R21 <==呢個就要加C
由 NK3640 » 2013年1月9日 15:36:20 (p#2434103)
Motorfore :Normally we do accept both. But there are some opinions which stressed the need of accuracy and clarity. In view of this, we would require the members to make things clear:
- Route number, as information to the general public, has no prefix "C". This is in response to the request by GP6827~7629 (#4294) in p#2433455.
- Run number, as information for internal use, may have the prefix "C" for some KMB routes.
Members may file an appeal to the Appeal and Arbitration Board if they disagree with the penalty they received. Other members may also complain to the AAB if they believe the decision made by a particular moderator / admin is unreasonable (See Section 1A of Chapter 6 of the Forum Rules).
由 JU 2541 » 2013年1月9日 23:14:18 (p#2434428)
andylee0131 :我想問
HT1532 @ C36B-04 調走 36 <==即係該字軌調走行該路線就唔加C
HT1532 @ C36M-R21 <==呢個就要加C
由 Motorfore » 2013年1月10日 00:35:01 (p#2434465)
由 AVBE18-MT695 » 2013年1月10日 00:43:56 (p#2434467)
NK3640 :Motorfore :Normally we do accept both. But there are some opinions which stressed the need of accuracy and clarity. In view of this, we would require the members to make things clear:
- Route number, as information to the general public, has no prefix "C". This is in response to the request by GP6827~7629 (#4294) in p#2433455.
- Run number, as information for internal use, may have the prefix "C" for some KMB routes.
Members may file an appeal to the Appeal and Arbitration Board if they disagree with the penalty they received. Other members may also complain to the AAB if they believe the decision made by a particular moderator / admin is unreasonable (See Section 1A of Chapter 6 of the Forum Rules).
在九巴而言,無 C 既係非空調巴士,有 C 既係空調巴士
換言之,我地唔報 C 先係錯,會誤導人喎
由 情侶檔 » 2013年1月10日 00:50:35 (p#2434469)
AVBE18-MT695 :對巴士有一定認識啫,我相信一定認識唔包括加C唔加C掛
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