JN Pacific Airways 新聞稿 News Press [5/9/2013 - 3][marq=left]本公司已於是日購入一部 Concorde 協和號商務機。同時,本公司將開設由香港開往巴西梅迪納的航線,有關航線將使用此商務機執飛,並於 2013 年 9 月 15 日起正式啟航。
本公司已斥資 $35,000,000 購入 700,000,000 磅燃油作日常營運之用。
本公司之股價已升破 11000 點,感謝各股東對本公司的長期支持!
[/marq]開辦梅迪納航線之詳情 Details of launching the flight service to Medina :- :隱藏內容,按一下這裏顯示
- 本公司將於 2013 年 9 月 15 日(星期日)開辦由香港至巴西梅迪納的直航定期航線,每日兩班,並以最高時速高達 2,124 公里每小時之 Concorde 協和號商務機營運,航程大約為三小時四十分鐘。本航班之服務詳情如下:
JN Pacific is going to launch a daily scheduled service to Medina, Brazil starting from 15 Sep 2013. The service will be operated by Concorde Business, with a maximum speed of 2,124 km/h. We will have 2 scheduled flights daily and the duration of the flight is approximately 3 hours and 40 mins. The flight schedule for HKG - MED is as follows :
[tr=text-align:center;][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]航班編號 Flight No.[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]由 From[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]至 To[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]出發時間 Departure Time[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]抵達時間 Arrival Time[/td][/tr]
[tr=text-align:center;][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]JN352[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]香港 (HKG)[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]梅迪納 (MED)[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]07:00[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]05:40[/td][/tr]
[tr=text-align:center;][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]JN353[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]梅迪納 (MED)[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]香港 (HKG)[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]06:50[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]15:30[/td][/tr]
[tr=text-align:center;][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]JN354[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]香港 (HKG)[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]梅迪納 (MED)[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]16:30[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]15:10[/td][/tr]
[tr=text-align:center;][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]JN355[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]梅迪納 (MED)[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]香港 (HKG)[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]16:05[/td][td=border:1px solid #cccccc;]00:45[/td][/tr]
注:上表所列之時間為當地時間,而梅迪納與香港之時差為 -5 小時,敬請留意。
All time are listed in local time, please also take note that the time difference between Medina and Hong Kong is -5 hours.
換機計劃報告 Fleet Replacement Report :- :隱藏內容,按一下這裏顯示
- 本公司暫時未有航機需要退役。
There are no fleet to be retired in these days.
維修部 Maintenance Department:- :隱藏內容,按一下這裏顯示
- 是日進行 C-Check 之航機 Aircraft(s) being C-checked : B747-8(9,12,14) , A380-900(39,67,190,192,195,287,288,293,294,296,297,396)
是日進行維修之航機 Aircraft(s) being repaired (Damage) : B747-8(11,69) , A380-900(63,98,107)
財務部 Finance Department:- :隱藏內容,按一下這裏顯示
- 本公司已斥資 $35,000,000 購入 700,000,000 磅燃油作日常營運之用。
The company has spent $35,000,000 on buying 700,000,000 lbs fuel for daily use.
交易日期 Transaction Date: 25 Aug
公司簡介 Profile of JN Pacific:
JN Pacific Airways (IATA:JN) 是一家以香港為總部,並以奧克蘭及台北為副總部的航空公司,成立於 2012 年 2 月 26 日。本公司現已擁有 600 部客機。我們現時以 B747-8 及 A380-900 客機為主力,並已於早前成功向政府申請將部分 A380-800 客機及全數 A380-900 客機改裝成商務客機。至今,本公司已將 3 部 A380-800 客機、90 部 B747-8 客機及全數 510 部 A380-900 客機改裝成商務客機;B747-8 一共有 1 個經濟客位及 233 個商務客位,而 A380-900 一共有 1 個經濟客位及 437 個商務客位。
此外,本公司亦於 2013 年 1 月成功向政府申請經營貨運航線。目前本公司一共擁有 100 部貨機,當中包括 95 部 A380-800F 及 5 部 AN-225 貨機,本公司會於來年積極擴展貨運業務,務求建立一個龐大的貨運網絡,並作為國際性的貨物轉運樞紐。
JN Pacific Airways (IATA: JN) is an airline based in Hong Kong, and set Auckland and Taipei as the supplementary hub. We were established on February 26, 2012. We currently own 600 passenger aircrafts. The company will use B747-8 and A380-900 to fly as the main force of fleet, and we have successfully applied to seat configure part of the A380-800 fleet and all A380-900 fleet. Up to now, there are 3 A380-800 fleet , 90 B747-8 fleet and 510 A380-900 fleet that has been configured with 1 economy seat and 232 business seats for B747-8, 1 economy seat and 232 business seats for A380-900.
Other than that, the company have successfully applied cargo operation on the January of 2013. We have 100 cargo aircraft currently, which includes 95 A380-800F as well as 5 AN-225. We planned to expand our cargo business in the coming year, in a bid to develop a giant cargo network and act as a cargo distribution center internationally.

機隊 Fleets:
Aerospatiale Concorde Business X 1 (AELITE) [新訂購 Newly Ordered]
A380-900 X 510 (389)
B747-8 X 90 (748)
Il-96-400 X 30 (Il96)
B737-900 X 5 (739)
B747-400ER X 3 (744)
B777-300 X 10 (773)
B787-8 X 18 (788)
A380-800 X 40 (388)
A380-800F X 95
AN-225 X 5
其他資料 Other information:
航線飛行次數 Total Flights:195,316
共接載乘客 Pax of all Time:64,807,391
貨運量 Cargo:9,602,149,040 Lbs
聲譽 Reputation:100 %
乘客津貼 Pax Bonus:983 (↑/)
股價 Stock:
$11,486.89 (三日 ↑$119.63)
股東數量 Total no. of Investor : 67
本公司所投資的公司如下 We have invested the following airlines :
Zwingli Airlines (200,000 holdings)
RH Express Airlines (199,999 holdings)
Trasia Airlines (199,999 holdings)
HKExpress Airlines (150,000 holdings)
New Asia Air (100,000 holdings)
Samuelsbus Airlines (100,000 holdings)
Peral Commuter Air (50,000 holdings)
- 新資訊 Hot News:隱藏內容,按一下這裏顯示
- JN Lounge 貴賓室
位置:鄰近 2 號閘口寰宇堂
開放時間:09:00 - 最後一班航機離港
2.設有 3 部 iMac 電腦及 3 部 iPad 供乘客使用
3.提供免費 Wifi 無線上網服務
Location: Near Gate 2 (The Wing)
VIP Lounge Opening hours: 09:00 - last flights departure
1. A free access to the cafeteria providing food and drink
2. Provide three iMac computers and three iPad
3. Offers free Wi-Fi wireless Internet access
4. Two luxurious shower room
5. Provide all sorts of newspapers, magazines and television programs
The Company is committed for giving the best lounge environment for our passengers. The entire design of the lounge are thought over by the top designer, and we specially built a lookout in the right of the lounge, so that you can stop your pace from the hustle and bustle, and admire the scenery on the airport runway.