除左好力到呀嗎都唔認得, 避震都做得好好
而且坐椅係 Coach Seat, 車廂色調用上好舒服的綠色做主色
最抵讚係隔音做得好好, 比 Neoplan Centroliner 更好.
車內只係聽到一把好柔和唔刺耳的引擎聲, 連街外的車聲都唔太聽到, 十分寧靜
Bus Éireann (狗仔巴) LE class VDL Synergy Double Deck Coach
板主: HN8597
volvotd102kfeuro1 :They're very similar in every way, since Megabus' Astromega is a Van Hool TD925, both produced by Dutch manufacturers. Their specifications & technical parameters are also similar.
FS1819 :volvotd102kfeuro1 :They're very similar in every way, since Megabus' Astromega is a Van Hool TD925, both produced by Dutch manufacturers. Their specifications & technical parameters are also similar.
Yes, I know how similar they are on paper. I have read all the specs and brochures. But they say nothing about the ride or actual performance. That is why I want to know how they compare in reality.
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