Hong Kong Wami Airlines adds Toronto long-haul service from March 2014
由 2014 年 3 月 1 日(星期六)起,本公司會開辦香港來往加拿大多倫多的新服務。多倫多全加拿大最大的城市,在市內亦有多個城市著名的旅遊景點,包括其中一個全北美洲最大的博物館 – 皇家安大略博物館,內有世界的博物學以及世史。另外包括有加拿大國家電視塔,落成時是全世界最高建築物,現時塔上亦有餐廳、玻璃觀光層等。本航線服務的加拿大多倫多皮爾遜國際機場,不論在國際或國內航線均擁有多個航點,乘客亦可乘此航線轉乘其他短途航班繼續往北美洲其他地方旅遊。此航線飛行時間為 15 小時 5 分鐘,本公司會安排兩部配置相同的新型波音 777 客機執飛有關航線,使此航線每日服務。本公司預計在不久將來將會為此航線加班至每日數班的頻密服務,而此航線是繼香港至溫哥華航線後第二條本公司往加拿大的航線。
From 1/3/2014 (Saturday), we will be adding our new Hong Kong - Canada Toronto service. Toronto is the largest city in Canada, with lots of famous tourist attractions in the city. One of the largest museums in North America, the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) has lots of natural and world history information which people will be attracted by. Another one, the CN Tower, expanded as Canadian National Tower, is the tallest tower while the completion of the tower, currently, on the few highest levels, restaurants and glass-bottomed sightseeing levels are available and open to the public. Our destination, the Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ), has lots of destinations worldwide, including domestic and international, passengers may transfer to other short-haul routes to other North America areas. The flying duration of this flight is planned to be 15 hours and 5 minutes, operated by 2 Boeing 777-300ERs on this daily servicing route. We are planning to enhance the service later on by increasing the frequency to more than a flight daily to this second Hong Kong - Canada route, followed by the Hong Kong - Vancouver route.
香港華美航空 Hong Kong Wami Airlines