Hong Kong Wami Airlines adds New York service to 17 weekly flights
由 2014 年 3 月 30 日實施夏季時間表起,其中「香港 - 紐約/甘迺迪」航班會加強至每日 2 班,而「香港 - 紐約/紐瓦克」航班維持每週 3 班。因實際營運考慮,現時每週 3 班採用空中巴士 A380 的服務將改為波音 777 服務,即香港來往紐約兩個機場的服務全部採用波音 777,而有關航班之航程亦縮短至 15 小時 40 分鐘。有關航班詳情的啟航時間如下:
Starting from the summer schedule period, which is 30/3/2014, we will increase the "Hong Kong - New York/JFK" flight to 2 daily, and the "Hong Kong - Newark" flight remains 3 weekly. For operational reasons, the current 3 weekly Airbus A380 service will be suspended and replaced by a Boeing 777-300ER, meaning both New York destination's flights will be served by Boeing 777-300ER, and the flying time for the flight to Kennedy Airport will be shortened to 15 hours and 40 minutes. The new departing time is shown as follow:
香港華美航空 Hong Kong Wami Airlines