Google 一下,大概大家都知道佢叫 Cheri,陳如茵
話說早排上 SCMP 個網搵資料,無意中發現左一篇 1994 年嘅 Letter to the editor,標題叫 "Put off MTR"
I REFER to the story on the announcer in the MTR, headlined, ''Know the voice, now here's the face'', which appeared in the South China Morning Post, on April 19.
There is no doubt that Ms Cheri Chan speaks good English, but it is definitely not flawless, as the article claimed.
I remember hearing one announcement which said, ''Sorry about inconvenienced caused''.
There is no doubt that her Chinese is flawless, but her English is not.
I dislike her voice so much that sometimes I will not use the MTR.
This might appear extreme to some people, but perhaps it is just that different people have different tastes.
E. SIT Central
1994 年 4 月 19 日,南華早報
原來佢的確係 RTHK Radio 3 嘅 DJ,當年只有 24 歲
(計番條數即係仲有排聽到佢嘅聲音啦,即使大家覺得佢唔夠親切,又或者好似上面位讀者咁諗 )
例如紐約嘅 Charlie Pellett、倫敦嘅 Emma Clarke 等