PZ 8904 on 2014年9月29日 20:37:49:VolvoB12BLE on 2014年9月29日 20:06:56: GU1776@34, you really don't get it do you? I don't know where you get that concept that you think I am trying to convince you to 理性討論. What those highlighted words mean, if you want to change Hong Kong, you have to have power. Politicians are always liars, no matter if they are Chinese or British. And doesn't matter if there are hundred thousands of you protesting, as long as you are not the one paying tax, your protest has no effect. If you want to change Hong Kong, you have to be a politician yourself, or be rich. Work hard and climb to a powerful post. That is when you have negotiation power. If you think some protest like this is going to change anything, I can just say you are naïve.
I can tell you that we are only students. If we don't have the 公民抗命, although we work hard, we cannot be a politicians because if no change of Hong Kong now, Hong Kong will be controlled by Communist Party and we'll cannot speak out. Sorry for 1999 english.GU1776@34 on 2014年9月29日 20:10:46: 回樓上打晒英文既版友:
當依加班學生Climb to a powerful post既時候,香港都變左中國啦,到時冇得救架啦,廿三條都出埋果時你救咩先?依加班四五十既又唔做野,如果佢地做學生就唔會擺晒上台啦係咪先。
BTW 我諗呢位仁兄應該未試過被人 24/7 監視既感受
That's fine PZ8904. My Chinese is poor as well so it doesn't matter. 咁唔同人有唔同睇法啫。不過咁講喎, 你又唔好話班四五十唔做野, 佢哋都要返工咁你哋先有得返屋企食飽飽去抗命。所以我覺得你又唔可以怪佢哋架喎。畢竟殘酷嘅現實就係你唔揾錢就會餓死。