最近喺 Facebook 嘅 OMSI 圈中收到風,OMSI 其中一個作者 Marcel 而家同另一位拍檔合作寫緊一套綜合巴士、電車、地鐵甚至火車嘅模擬遊戲,技術應該比現時 OMSI 改良好多,但係暫時佢哋除咗一個已經有近 2000 人 like 嘅專頁之外,就未有太多資料,連官網都係 under construction。不過點都好,佢哋話至少而家喺 OMSI 2 嘅 model 喺呢個新遊戲都用得返,加上真實感同功能又強咁多,真係令人拭目以待!

I've just come across this integrated transport simulator on the Facebook OMSI circle lately. Not many details are revealed but it is known that one of the original OMSI developers is involved and the game will be backwards compatible with OMSI 2 models. However, the scripting system would be the key to whether this is truely an evolution of OMSI, or just a substitute and competitor which we would need to make new, dedicated sets of addons for. Nevertheless the simulator looks promising and I'm looking forward to its release.
[EN] We proudly present: LOTUS - an all new set of simulations!
Honestly, we are looking forward to today for weeks. We are developing a simulator and you will love it - and today we can finally tell you about it.
LOTUS will be a public transport simulator, with which we are going to set new standards.
In two release steps you first get a simulator for bus and tram, followed by the ability to simulate metro and railway.
Those of you who are not satisfied with pure driving enjoyment get their money's worth with our full-fledged LOTUS map editor and with our open to comprehensive addons engine.
Be ready for surprises, we have so much superior features to reveal in future...
We are really pleased to let you participate in the development progress of our simulator. It is going to be big, better and unique!