I will be visiting Singapore a few days later, especially targetting for some bus rides. I would like to ask a few questions about the bus service——
1. 呢幾日喺度試iris,發現一到禮拜六日,啲無輪椅位車(i.e.豪)好多都唔出車。係咪一直以來都係咁?
1. I've been trying out the iris app this few days, and discovered non-WABs (i.e. Volvo Olympians) are usually out of service on weekends/holidays. Is this a common practice?
Besides Boon Lay Int., are there any places that i could have higher chance riding Volvo Olympians?
2. 想問呢兩部樣板車(三門 A95 SG5999Z 及 CDGE B10TL SBS9889U)有否固定的兩邊開車時間?如有,能否提供?
2. Are there fixed departure times for the 2 demonstrators (3-door A95 SG5999Z & CDGE B10TL SBS9889U)? If so, could you provide the timetable?
3. 在SgWiki嘅巴士掛牌表註腳,紅綫間住嘅E/S/N/T等係代表咩?
3. Under SgWiki Bus Deployments' Notes, what does the underlined E/S/N/T(.etc) mean?
4. 大家有無一啲遊車河嘅路綫推介?
4. Are there any recommended bus routes for a joyride?
![願李的國降臨 #adore#](https://hkbf.org/images/smilies/adore.gif)
Thanks for your help in advance!
![願李的國降臨 #adore#](https://hkbf.org/images/smilies/adore.gif)