板主: GX7271
Any example of the updates or addons?Paulo.Simu on 2018年3月2日 09:46:20:Today, there are new updates that made the game much better, more addons were created
KT 4404 on 2018年3月6日 20:21:01:Any example of the updates or addons?Paulo.Simu on 2018年3月2日 09:46:20:Today, there are new updates that made the game much better, more addons were created
I still got Simutrans at my machine but got no intention to play for long
LE8869 on 2018年3月7日 22:05:16:This is my save since a few years ago, with the government, the railway company and the bus company all being myself
Lai Tin Station, terminal station of two railways.
[ 圖檔 ]
唔知你講邊棟FF 418 on 2018年4月17日 19:28:49:LE8869 on 2018年3月7日 22:05:16:This is my save since a few years ago, with the government, the railway company and the bus company all being myself
Lai Tin Station, terminal station of two railways.
[ 圖檔 ]
KT 4404 on 2018年4月22日 20:24:02:唔知你講邊棟FF 418 on 2018年4月17日 19:28:49:LE8869 on 2018年3月7日 22:05:16:This is my save since a few years ago, with the government, the railway company and the bus company all being myself
Lai Tin Station, terminal station of two railways.
[ 圖檔 ]
不過呢度有 ICC
GKey. on 2018年4月25日 18:38:11:KT 4404 on 2018年4月22日 20:24:02:唔知你講邊棟FF 418 on 2018年4月17日 19:28:49:LE8869 on 2018年3月7日 22:05:16:This is my save since a few years ago, with the government, the railway company and the bus company all being myself
Lai Tin Station, terminal station of two railways.
[ 圖檔 ]
不過呢度有 ICC
佢應該講緊一號銀海 ( 定唔記得港灣豪庭 )
以前都有呢個 pak , 但係嗰陣一轉方向啲 tile 就會錯晒位 , 所以就 del 咗
唔知而家仲係唔係咁 ..
唔係呀LE8869 on 2018年4月25日 21:11:14:係一號銀海
樓上條 link 好似冇 permission 入,我都唔記得喺邊度 download 了
KT 4404 on 2018年4月29日 01:00:55:唔係呀LE8869 on 2018年4月25日 21:11:14:係一號銀海
樓上條 link 好似冇 permission 入,我都唔記得喺邊度 download 了
條 link 冇問題
有個位寫住 下載點︰(1)
撳 (1) 就 download 左一個 zip file
You don't have permission to access /Simutrans on this server.
LE8869 on 2018年4月29日 15:40:10:KT 4404 on 2018年4月29日 01:00:55:唔係呀LE8869 on 2018年4月25日 21:11:14:係一號銀海
樓上條 link 好似冇 permission 入,我都唔記得喺邊度 download 了
條 link 冇問題
有個位寫住 下載點︰(1)
撳 (1) 就 download 左一個 zip file
You don't have permission to access /Simutrans on this server.
試過用其他 browser 同用電話入都係同樣情況
有冇其他板友入到 / 入唔到
K . C on 2018年5月11日 18:19:21:LE8869 on 2018年4月29日 15:40:10:KT 4404 on 2018年4月29日 01:00:55:唔係呀LE8869 on 2018年4月25日 21:11:14:係一號銀海
樓上條 link 好似冇 permission 入,我都唔記得喺邊度 download 了
條 link 冇問題
有個位寫住 下載點︰(1)
撳 (1) 就 download 左一個 zip file
You don't have permission to access /Simutrans on this server.
試過用其他 browser 同用電話入都係同樣情況
有冇其他板友入到 / 入唔到
正在瀏覽這個板面的使用者:沒有註冊會員 和 7 位訪客