NZBus 同 紐西蘭其他具規模既公司一樣係國內不同城市有業務,當中 NZBus 除左威靈頓,亦係奧克蘭營運。
今次首都新車亦先到 NZBus 位於 奧克蘭西區 Swanson 分廠進行投入服務前既預備工作,預計好快就會南下首都威靈頓
呢批車分為 H544 及 G506 兩個批次既車身編號,並編為車隊 # 5078 - 5094,亦代表 NZBus 車隊既 E500MMC 已去到 94 部
First batch of Double Deckers for NZBus Wellington's fleet have already been delivered to Auckland.
Those 17 of brand new deckers for Wellington will finish the preparation work at NZBus Swanson depot in West Auckland suburb before entry service.
17 new members for the fleet have been numbered as 5078 to 5094, after the two batch of 77 Enviro500s for NZBus Auckland.
Thanks for reading.