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[Northern Ireland] Translink Volvo B7TL Alexander ALX400


板主: HN8597

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[Northern Ireland] Translink Volvo B7TL Alexander ALX400

文章BritishRail60062 » 2020年2月13日 13:17:27 (p#2916394)

Here is my first bus topic that I would like to share here. I am a big fan of the Volvo B7TL Alexander ALX400 buses that are still in use with Translink Metro here in Belfast and Ulsterbus in various parts of Northern Ireland. I will use this new topic to share my photos and videos of bus rides of this type of bus.

This one is EEZ2911 that was new to Translink in 2005.

A video of sister vehicle EEZ2907 with some loud cooling fan noise from the engine.

I will post more of my bus photos and videos here later of the same bus type :).

All the best.

2020年2月13日 16:20:16 :

Here is a photo of another one of the Volvo B7TL Alexander ALX400 buses in the newer Translink Metro "Magenta" livery.

2899/EEZ2899 in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

本文章評分: +1
KS22342020年2月23日 21:00:44+1welcome
BritishRail60062 (u#54228)
在論壇有 4 年年資在論壇有 4 年年資
文章: 10
註冊時間: 2020年2月13日 08:55:21
錢包: 6.38 明彩 
攝影器材: Canon EOS 600D & Sony WX200

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