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2574 2:49:34 PM - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\tomlee721\HK_Minibusstop\minibusstop_green.sco: texture filename 0_0_1.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\tomlee721\HK_Minibusstop\model\minibusstop_green.x!
2575 2:49:34 PM - - Error: Sceneryobjects\tomlee721\HK_Minibusstop\model\minibusstop_green.x – o3d reading failed - Could not read the o3d file! This is not a valid o3d file!
What I am thinking is it can't load the file because it is in the "x" format and how do I solve that problem? DO I just open it in 3D Object Converter and resave it as .o3d?
And also when I open it in 3D Object converter, it shows this weird "explosion":
But the the photo where it only shows the lines of the object, I can see the actual minibus stop, any ideas the "explosion" is happening?