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Where to find AI vehicles Dennis Dragon 11M and Volvo B10T



板主: RV2511, GX7271, Volvo 5204, 每天都要影車

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Where to find AI vehicles Dennis Dragon 11M and Volvo B10T

文章TheFireLauncher4 » 2024年8月27日 13:13:14 (p#2955771)

Hi I am trying to install New Territories East map it says I am missing two AI vehicles Dennis Dragon 11M and Volvo B10T. Anyone knows where I can find these or if the link is still available? help is appreciated.
TheFireLauncher4 (u#58717)
在論壇有 4 年年資在論壇有 4 年年資
文章: 2
註冊時間: 2020年9月20日 08:32:31
錢包: 2.28 明彩 

Re: Where to find AI vehicles Dennis Dragon 11M and Volvo B1

文章kelvin1324 » 2024年9月8日 05:19:47 (p#2955831)

Hi, I double checked my New Territories East map and I don't think Dennis Dragon 11M and Volvo B10T are required?

However, if you are looking to drive those two buses, they can be downloaded from omsi-new-files.htm
Facebook page: OMSI 2 Map - New Territories·East 新界·東

kelvin1324 (u#16777)
在論壇有 15 年年資在論壇有 15 年年資在論壇有 15 年年資在論壇有 15 年年資在論壇有 15 年年資在論壇有 15 年年資在論壇有 15 年年資
文章: 184
註冊時間: 2009年5月17日 03:02:26
錢包: 26.75 明彩 

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