板主: 葵芳站總站站務助理員
由 GG9302@59A » 2018年9月19日 15:47:44 (p#2892204)
由 JM3531 » 2018年9月19日 23:13:14 (p#2892212)
由 LE8869 » 2018年9月20日 00:12:47 (p#2892232)
LT3478_MN20 on 2018年9月19日 20:31:01: 今日搭咗轉77K,粉錦公路沿途仲有大量冧樹未清理好,有啲仲叉咗出馬路,而且部份行車線仍然要單線雙程
由 霧燈爬山豬 » 2018年9月20日 00:38:16 (p#2892237)
LE8869 on 2018年9月20日 00:12:47:LT3478_MN20 on 2018年9月19日 20:31:01: 今日搭咗轉77K,粉錦公路沿途仲有大量冧樹未清理好,有啲仲叉咗出馬路,而且部份行車線仍然要單線雙程
單線雙程自從 8 月尾連日大雨打石湖塌樹同冧山泥之後都未通翻晒雙線,宜家又再嚟多鑊
由 031096 » 2018年9月20日 01:14:31 (p#2892239)
LE8869 on 2018年9月20日 00:12:47:LT3478_MN20 on 2018年9月19日 20:31:01: 今日搭咗轉77K,粉錦公路沿途仲有大量冧樹未清理好,有啲仲叉咗出馬路,而且部份行車線仍然要單線雙程
單線雙程自從 8 月尾連日大雨打石湖塌樹同冧山泥之後都未通翻晒雙線,宜家又再嚟多鑊
由 KE7066.LokFu » 2018年9月20日 17:31:20 (p#2892248)
由 九廣通 » 2018年9月20日 20:36:13 (p#2892251)
JM3531 on 2018年9月19日 09:20:20:super_secure_password on 2018年9月19日 05:02:16: 新台?留下名先隱藏文字
btw,紅車唔係出咗咩?點解有人仲期待 OMSI 紅車
由 KE7066.LokFu » 2018年9月20日 21:33:11 (p#2892262)
erickin1873 on 2018年9月20日 21:20:38:隱藏文字
[noguest][hide=Hello World!]Hello World![/hide][/noguest]
[hide=Hello World!][noguest]Hello World![/noguest][/hide]
erickin1873 on 2018年9月20日 21:20:38:隱藏文字
由 LE8869 » 2018年9月20日 22:14:34 (p#2892266)
erickin1873 on 2018年9月20日 22:03:39:The course aims to provide an essential understanding of legal environment of business to students; and make them aware how legal environments of Hong Kong influence the risk, effectiveness and the profitability of running a business. Through this course, students would develop an understanding on the fundamental legal concepts and issues of business law, and be able to consider business decisions legally. They would be able to address legal problems when they do arises and know how to participate in the solution.
Introduction to Law係法律與商業學系嘅科,真係講啲基本啲嘅嘢,一樣會講合約法,但係唔會講到咁深入,有唔少課堂活動,而考核方法相當有趣:
Court Visit Report(任你去邊個Court)
EssayThe course is designed to help students to acquire a foundation knowledge and an understanding of the legal system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Many countries have a common law heritage and this course enables students to gain an insight into the key features, core values and institutions of the common law system.
有可能Legal Environment of Business頭幾堂就教晒Introduction to Law嗰啲嘢
其實唔止我一個讀Legal Environment of Business又揀Introduction to Law做Elective
由 RV2511 » 2018年9月20日 22:58:51 (p#2892271)
LE8869 on 2018年9月20日 22:14:34:erickin1873 on 2018年9月20日 22:03:39:The course aims to provide an essential understanding of legal environment of business to students; and make them aware how legal environments of Hong Kong influence the risk, effectiveness and the profitability of running a business. Through this course, students would develop an understanding on the fundamental legal concepts and issues of business law, and be able to consider business decisions legally. They would be able to address legal problems when they do arises and know how to participate in the solution.
Introduction to Law係法律與商業學系嘅科,真係講啲基本啲嘅嘢,一樣會講合約法,但係唔會講到咁深入,有唔少課堂活動,而考核方法相當有趣:
Court Visit Report(任你去邊個Court)
EssayThe course is designed to help students to acquire a foundation knowledge and an understanding of the legal system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Many countries have a common law heritage and this course enables students to gain an insight into the key features, core values and institutions of the common law system.
有可能Legal Environment of Business頭幾堂就教晒Introduction to Law嗰啲嘢
其實唔止我一個讀Legal Environment of Business又揀Introduction to Law做Elective
今個 sem 讀 business law 讀到想喊![]()
20% class participation,30% quizzes,20% court visit report,30% essay
每個禮拜啲 reading 果啲 case studies 睇完成篇都唔知佢講咩![]()
然後下年仲有科 contract law 要讀
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